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'Therefore, concluded Olinthus, 'had the deceased encountered Arbaces, reviled his treasons, and threatened detection, the place, the hour, might have favored the wrath of the Egyptian, and passion and craft alike dictated the fatal blow. 'It must have been so! cried Glaucus, joyfully. 'I am happy. 'Yet what, O unfortunate! avails to thee now the discovery?

While such were the friendly remarks provoked by the air and faith of the Nazarene, Olinthus himself became sensible of the effect he was producing; he turned his eyes round, and observed the intent faces of the accumulating throng, whispering as they gazed; and surveying them for a moment with an expression, first of defiance and afterwards of compassion, he gathered his cloak round him and passed on, muttering audibly, 'Deluded idolaters! did not last night's convulsion warn ye?

'Because I had learned the conversion of Apaecides to the Christian faith because I knew that on that spot he was to meet the fierce Olinthus because they were to meet there to discuss plans for unveiling the sacred mysteries of our goddess to the people and I was there to detect, in order to defeat them. 'Hast thou told living ear what thou didst witness?

A girl darted from the crowd, and gazed hard on the face of Olinthus. 'By Jupiter, a stout knave! I say, we shall have a man for the tiger now; one for each beast! 'Ho! shouted the mob; 'a man for the lion, and another for the tiger! What luck! Io Paean! THE night was somewhat advanced, and the gay lounging places of the Pompeians were still crowded.

From one of the boats that passed them floated a soft music, and its prow was decorated with flowers it was gliding towards the sea. 'So, said Olinthus, sadly, 'unconscious and mirthful in their delusions, sail the votaries of luxury into the great ocean of storm and shipwreck! we pass them, silent and unnoticed, to gain the land.

Olinthus bowed assent. He passed through the streets with a hasty step, but a quick and observant eye.

They reached the shore where, in the suburbs, an alley of small and mean houses stretched towards the bank; they dismissed the boat, landed, and Olinthus, preceding the priest, threaded the labyrinth of lanes, and arrived at last at the closed door of a habitation somewhat larger than its neighbors.

But in the present instance, the experienced Pansa thought it better that the sanguinary drama should advance, not decrease, in interest and, accordingly, the execution of Olinthus and Glaucus was reserved for the last.

'In the first place, hast thou, Olinthus, or whatever be thy name, any proof of the charge thou hast made against Arbaces, beyond thy vague suspicions? Olinthus remained silent the Egyptian laughed contemptuously. 'Dost thou claim the body of a priest of Isis as one of the Nazarene or Christian sect? 'I do.

Yet their brows were erect and dauntless their limbs did not tremble their lips were compressed and rigid. The religion of the one, the pride of the other, the conscious innocence of both, and, it may be, the support derived from their mutual companionship, elevated the victim into the hero. 'Hark! hearest thou that shout They are growling over their human blood, said Olinthus.