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It is prevented from moving too far back by a hook-like projection called the olecranon process, which makes the sharp point of the elbow. The radius is the shorter of the two bones of the forearm, and is on the same side as the thumb. Its slender, upper end articulates with the ulna and humerus; its lower end is enlarged and gives attachment in part to the bones of the wrist.

Similar patches were seen on the right hand, and again on the back of the right hand was a wide space, prolonged upward in the form of a broad band on the posterior surface of the forearm to just below the olecranon, where the skin was a little smoother and thinner than the surrounding skin, and altogether bare of hairs. The disease was noticed at the age of two, and gradually progressed.

Fracture of the Ulna. Etiology and Occurrence. Fractures of the ulna in the horse are not common in spite of the exposed position of the olecranon. This bone when broken, is usually fractured by heavy blows and any form of ulnar fracture is serious because of its function and position in relation to the joint capsule.

Where intense pain is not manifested, because of manipulation, one may abduct the extremity and thereby occasion distinct crepitation; but when it is possible to recognize crepitation by holding the hand in contact with the olecranon while the animal is made to walk, this method is to be preferred, if the subject can move without serious difficulty.

The triceps brachii is the principal structure which fills the space between the posterior border of the scapula and the humerus. The several heads originate for the most part on the border of the scapula, the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus and the shaft of the humerus. Insertion of this large muscular mass is effected by means of several tendons to the olecranon.

#Injuries of Bursæ.# As a result of contusion, especially in bleeders, hæmorrhage may occur into the cavity of a bursa and give rise to a bursal hæmatoma. Such a hæmatoma may mask a fracture of the bone beneath for example, fracture of the olecranon. #Diseases of Bursæ.# The lining membrane of bursæ resembles that of joints and tendon sheaths, and is liable to the same forms of disease.

The head of the bone can be felt by pressing the fingers high up in the axilla. The internal is more prominent. We can always feel the olecranon. Turn the forearm over with the palm down, and the head of the ulna can be plainly felt and seen projecting at the back of the wrist.

We cannot now note the important conclusions founded on these two perforations, we must be content with adding here that the tomb contained four other skeletons with crania showing no trace of trepanation; the tibiae were platycnemic and the humeri had the so-called perforation of the olecranon farces, which certain anthropologists, as I think without sufficient reason, consider characteristic of inferior races.

The patient himself, or the surgeon, may discover the loose body and feel it roll beneath his fingers, especially if it is lodged in the supra-patellar pouch in the knee, or on one or other side of the olecranon in the elbow.

New growths include the fibroma, the myxoma, the myeloma or giant-celled tumour, and various forms of sarcoma. #Diseases of Individual Bursæ.# The olecranon bursa is frequently the seat of pyogenic infection and of traumatic or trade bursitis, the latter being known as "miner's" or "student's elbow." [Illustration: FIG.