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You may almost read something of the kind in the aristocratic bearing of the old noble, though the most liberal old-clothes-man would scarcely like to give twenty francs for the whole of the count's wardrobe, including those clod-hopping boots, but excluding, of course, the somewhat antiquated rapier which his rank gives him the privilege of wearing. "How does he manage to live?" you ask.

You may convert some poor wretch whom you have paid to slander his religion; you get some wretched old-clothes-man to speak, and he says what you want; you may triumph over their ignorance and cowardice, while all the time their men of learning are laughing at your stupidity. But do you think you would get off so easily in any place where they knew they were safe!

In vain she told me that Simon was only an old-clothes-man, that his cry was only "Old clothes! Old clothes!" which she mimicked to take off its terror; its terror was in that power of association which was beyond her skill to dissolve. In vain she explained to me that his bag held only my old shoes and her yellow petticoat. In vain she now offered to let me see with my own eyes.

"Ladies and gents," cried the clown, drawing himself up with dignity; "there's an individual in this crowd I beg parden, this assemblage as asks me to say `one. I do say `one, an' I say it with melancholy feelin's as to the liberality of my species. One bob! "One-an'-six," muttered an old-clothes-man, with a black cotton sack on his shoulder.

If she attempted to pull or push me forwards I screamed, and at length I sent forth a scream that wakened my mother her bell rang, and she was told that it was only Master Harrington, who was afraid of poor Simon, the old-clothes-man.