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Ohnet's novels are collected under the titles, 'Noir et Rose and L'Ame de Pierre . The dramatic writings of Georges Ohnet, mostly taken from his novels, have greatly contributed to his reputation. Before that he had already written the plays Regina Sarpi and Marthe , which yet hold a prominent place upon the French stage.

"If he knew what was taking place he would soon be back, and might be guilty of some foolery or other." So he commenced writing. You will not chatter trivialities They had only one aim, one passion to enjoy themselves Without a care or a cross, he grew weary like a prisoner By GEORGES OHNET The banking-house of Cayrol had not a very imposing appearance.

The one-eyed Markus entered the paternal bookshop, where he soon familiarised himself with the novels of the world from Dumas and Luise Mühlbach to Ohnet and Zola, and with the popular sciences from Darwin to Mantegazza. His brain was a book catalogue, and his mouth an oracle of the tastes displayed at the last fair.

I hold much more immoral other books which, under a glamour of something spiritual and beautiful and sublime, portray the vices in which we are allied to the beasts. Such, for example, are the works of Octave Feuillet, Arsene Houssaye, Georges Ohnet, and other contemporary novelists much in vogue among the higher classes of society."

Cardinal Newman once said that while Livy and Tacitus and Terence and Seneca wrote Latin, Cicero wrote Roman; so while M. Zola on the one side, and M. Georges Ohnet on the other, may write French, M. Halévy writes Parisian. "Aunt, dear aunt, don't believe a word of what he is going to tell you. He is preparing to fib, to fib outrageously.

Now, Serge Panine ! But then, it's like everything that comes from the pen of M. Georges Ohnet, it's so well written. I wonder if you know the Maitre des Forges, which I like even better than Serge Panine." "Pardon me," said Swann with polite irony, "but I can assure you that my want of admiration is almost equally divided between those masterpieces." "Really, now; that's very interesting.

Georges Ohnet was born in Paris, April 3, 1848, the son of an architect. He was destined for the Bar, but was early attracted by journalism and literature. Being a lawyer it was not difficult for him to join the editorial staff of Le Pays, and later Le Constitutionnel. This was soon after the Franco-German War.

This relates also to his dramas, some of his works meeting with a popular success rarely extended to any author. For some time Georges Ohnet did not find the same favor with the critics, who often attacked him with a passionate violence and unusual severity.

Is it by law only that you wish to keep me? Nothing that provokes laughter more than a disappointed lover Suffering is a human law; the world is an arena The uncontested power which money brings We had taken the dream of a day for eternal happiness What is a man who remains useless By GEORGES OHNET The first two months of this union were truly enchanting. Serge and Micheline never left each other.

I have shown in this rapid sketch that a man of the stamp of Georges Ohnet must have immortal qualities in himself, even though flayed and roasted alive by the critics. He is most assuredly an artist in form, is endowed with a brilliant style, and has been named "L'Historiographe de la bourgeoise contemporaine."