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Among the royal families of Europe, Orsini's influence was at once understood, but it was thought to have its source in fear. It was remarked how, when the sentence of death was passed, the condemned man, turning to his counsel, whispered the words of Tasso Risorgerò, nemico ognor più crudo, Cenere anco sepolto e spirto ignudo.

"Other nations," interrupted Corinne, "have borne the yoke the same as we, and have lacked the imagination to dream of another fate. 'Servi siam , ma servi ognor frementi. 'Yes! we are slaves, but slaves ever quivering with hope, says Alfieri, the most bold of our modern writers. There is so much soul in our fine arts that perhaps one day our character will be equal to our genius.

They had not been long married, and their eldest child was but just born. The father of their charge was one of those Italians nursed in the memory of the antique glory of Italy one among the schiavi ognor frementi, who exerted himself to obtain the liberty of his country. He became the victim of its weakness. Whether he had died or still lingered in the dungeons of Austria was not known.

Savonarola inscribed this octave stanza on the wall of the Consiglio Grande: 'Se questo popolar consiglio e certo Governo, popol, de la tua cittate Conservi, che da Dio t'e stato offerto, In pace starai sempre e libertate: Tien dunque l'occhio della mente aperto, Chè molte insidie ognor ti fien parate; E sappi che chi vuol far parlamento Vuol tórti dalle mani il reggimento.