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Its hatred is become full-grown, robust, vigorous with the advancing years. When Rome speaks its mind about Luther, it cannot but speak in terms of malignant scorn. If Luther could read Mgr. O'Hare's book, he would say: "Wes das Herz voll ist, des gehet der Mund ueber." Luther has done one thing which Rome will never pardon: he dared to attack the supreme authority of the Pope.

O'Hare did as he was told, and after the two little rabbits had pulled and pulled until their breath was almost gone, Mr. O'Hare's head appeared at the top of the hole. And then with one more big pull they brought him out safely, although his waist was dreadfully sore because the grapevine had cut into his fur and squeezed all the breath out of him.

A wild gust of wind came down the chimney and blew the loose ashes off the hearth. Jamie ensconced himself in his corner a picture of despair. "I wondther if Billy O'Hare's in bed?" he said. "Ye'd need fumigatin' afther smokin' Billy's tobacco, Jamie!" "I'd smoke tobacco scraped out o' the breeches-pocket ov th' oul divil in hell!" he replied.

You mustn't mind him, Phil I have told him not to be in a hurry, but to take his time." "Very well," said Phil, who had just knowledge enough of his father's villany, to feel satisfied, that in whatever arrangement took place between them, O'Hare's interest was not consulted;* "very well; d n my honor, I suppose it's all right, old cock." * This scene is verbatim et literatim from life.