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"Ay, it did. Look yonder," he said. "That's the norrard. It looks light, don't it?" "Yes," I said. "Ah! it never gets no darker than that all night. You'll see that get more round to the nor-east as we gets nigher to London."

"Keep her nor-east, Jansen, and keep a sharp look out for the boats." "Got for dam how must I steer the chip and look for de boats at de same time? not possible." "That's no consarn o' mine. Those are the orders, and I passes them you must get over the unpossibility how you can." So saying, Obadiah Coble walked below.

"Bears nor-east somewheres about three miles from Green Island; right off-shore, I should call it about eight miles out," said Mrs. Todd. "You never was there, dear; 'tis off the thoroughfares, and a very bad place to land at best." "I should think 'twas," agreed Mrs. Fosdick, smoothing down her black silk apron. "'Tis a place worth visitin' when you once get there.

Nothing, however, occurred but this natural anxiety, till the Saturday, which was Yule. In the morning the weather was blasty and sleety, waxing more and more tempestuous till about mid-day, when the wind checked suddenly round from the nor-east to the sou-west, and blew a gale as if the prince of the powers of the air was doing his utmost to work mischief.

"We wor lyin' out lookin' for ships that wanted pilots, and there kem an the terriblest gale o' wind aff the land, an' blew us to say out intirely, an' that's the way iv it, your honor." "I calculate we got a share of the same gale; 'twas from the nor-east." "O, directly!" said Barny, "faith, you're right enough.

The wind blows stiffly from the Nor-East, the sea runs high, we ship a deal of water, the night is dark and cold, and the shapeless passengers lie about in melancholy bundles, as if they were sorted out for the laundress; but for my own uncommercial part I cannot pretend that I am much inconvenienced by any of these things.

"Keep her nor-east, Jansen, and keep a sharp look out for the boats." "Got for dam how must I steer the chip and look for de boats at de same time? not possible." "That's no consarn o' mine. Those are the orders, and I passes them you must get over the unpossibility how you can." So saying, Obadiah Coble walked below.