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If those ricks were burned, the savings the nibblings of his life were gone. This intense, frost-bitten economy, by which alone he had been able to prosper, now threatened to overwhelm him with destruction. There is nothing that burns so resolutely as a hayrick; nothing that catches fire so easily.

"Yes," is the lady's rejoinder, "I believe the case was found a little way open, my friends have not been musical at any time and took no interest in the matter. Is it a good violin, Mr. ?" "Good, madam? it is very fine, one of the masterpieces of Cremona. The mice have turned the sound-holes into doorways, the nibblings have gone nearly half through one of the wings." "Wings!" says the lady.

She hastened back to the bungalow. And then began a series of strenuous happenings. Somehow trunks and suitcases were unpacked; somehow rooms were picked out, rejected, taken again, and finally settled on. Then, between the nibblings at the crackers and pickles Jack had despised, the girls settled down, and at last had time to admire the place they had selected for their Summer stay.

He has come home to Heidelberg with a retinue of Jesuits about him; to whom the poor old gentleman, looking before and after on this troublous world, finds it salutary to give ear. His nibblings at Protestant rights, his contrivances to slide Catholics into churches which were not theirs, and the like foul-play in that matter, had been sorrowful to see, for some time past.

"Getting hungry?" she inquired of Laura. "A little. But I can wait," answered Laura politely. "That's right," said Marina, off whose own appetite the edge had no doubt been taken by her various nibblings. "Now there's only the chemist."

Let us go in to lunch and eat with the appetites of men and women of the nineties, not with the nibblings of society of the fifties. Come along, Phyllis. Mr. Courtland will tell us all about his dreadful goings on, his slave-dealings, his dynamitings. Have you seen that article in the what's the name of the paper, Phyllis?" "The Spiritual Aneroid," said Phyllis.

He did not stop at the house, though he saw Val through the open door; he did not trouble to speak to her, even, but rode on to the stable, stopping at the corral to look over the fence at the calves, still bawling sporadically between half-hearted nibblings at the hay which Polycarp had thrown in to them.

When it is quite clean there will be more freedom, and the true character of the tone declared." The lady having departed, the chief takes the violin parts to the workroom. "This is a fine thing," he says to James. "I thought so too, sir," he replies, "got some fine stuff on it, fiery like, nothing the matter with it but those mouse nibblings."

What minister ever forgets the spot on which he knelt with his first convert? In the long and tedious hours when the waiting is weary, and the nibblings vexatious, and the bites disappointing, let him live on these wealthy memories as the bees live in the winter on the honey that they gathered in the summer-time. Yes, let him think about those unforgettable triumphs, and let him talk about them.

The career of a student is considered to be the most honourable of all, but though chiefly restricted to handwriting, knowledge of characters, composition and national history, the Chinese admit that no man has ever yet thoroughly mastered his own language or even learnt all the characters. How then about foreigners' knowledge of the language? It is like the nibblings of a mouse at a mountain.