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An occasional enterprising peddler or venturesome thief found his way to the town, and took away such cash as came in their way while pursuing their respective callings; but peddlers were not considered exactly trustworthy as news-bearers, while house-breakers, when detained long enough to be questioned, were not in that communicative frame of mind which is essential to one who would interest the general public.

Within ten miles they find several dead men the ghastly handiwork of Joaquin. Their breathless report is soon over. Detaching ten fresh men, with one of the news-bearers, to join Love and bring him up post-haste, Maxime Valois orders every man to prepare his girths and arms for action. Guided by the other scouts, the whole command pricks briskly over to the concealment of a rolling valley.

May it not be said truly that in the spiritual world we have a good many news-bearers of a similar stamp? Are not the loving, the gentle, the self-sacrificing such? in a word, the Christ-like, who, if they do not carry letters about, are themselves living epistles "known and read of all men?"

That Ann Holland should give up her good trade and go out as servant to the Chantreys for so it was represented by the news-bearers was an unheard-of, incredible thing. Many were the remonstrances she had to listen to, and to answer as best she could. It was a bitter day for Ann Holland when she saw her treasured household furniture sold by auction and scattered to the four winds.

"As I entered the penultimate hall the music rose and expanded into an imperial magnificence of sound, and the shrieks of the news-bearers died away.... "I entered the last and greatest hall.... "My procession opened out like a fan.

No word was heard from them until the following evening when just at dusk across the river came, galloping like mad, the first news-bearers of our valiant cohorts. On gaining the shelter of Shenkursk, most of them were completely exhausted and many of their horses dropped dead from over-exertion on the way, while others died in Shenkursk.

The curiosity of the men to see a live rebel in a captured condition is very great. The wagons were guided by contra bands, who did not, however, look as if they belonged to the numerous class called "intelligent," who figure so largely as news-bearers in the army dispatches.