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On going down the sound, the Neptunus, one of the prizes, an 80-gun ship, got on shore, and was destroyed, as were also most of the Danish gunboats, in consequence of bad weather coming on. The fleet, however, without further accident, at the close of October, arrived safely at Yarmouth and the Downs.

Other festivals were devoted to Vulcanus, god of fire, without whose help the handicraftsmen thought they could not carry on their work; and Neptunus, god of the ocean and the sea, to whom sailors addressed their prayers, and to whom commanders going out with fleets offered oblations.

It was the black cabinet of the ocean. Elizabeth, who was always glad of an opportunity of speaking Latin, used to ask Tonfield, of Coley in Berkshire, jetsam officer of her day, when he brought her one of these papers cast up by the sea, "Quid mihi scribit Neptunus?" The way had been eaten, the insect had succeeded. Barkilphedro approached the queen. This was all he wanted. To make his fortune?

You shall see how I love you also. May the great devil Neptunus spear me if I do not make you the happiest woman in the world. We will have a pretty little house somewhere. I will make my archers parade before your windows. They are all mounted, and set at defiance those of Captain Mignon.

Romulus, in order that he might afford a favourable time and place for this, dissembling his resentment, purposely prepares games in honour of Neptunus Equestris; he calls them Consualia.

Ea libertas est, qui pectus purum et firmum gestitat: Aliae res obnoxiosae nocte in obscura latent. In the -Scipio-, which was probably incorporated in the collection of miscellaneous poems, the graphic lines occurred: -mundus caeli vastus constitit silentio, Et Neptunus saevus undis asperis pausam dedit.

Romulus in order to provide a fitting opportunity and place for this, dissembling his resentment, with this purpose in view, instituted games to be solemnized every year in honour of Neptunus Equester, which he called Consualia.

Ea libertas est, qui pectus purum et firmum gestitat: Aliae res obnoxiosae nocte in obscura latent. In the -Scipio-, which was probably incorporated in the collection of miscellaneous poems, the graphic lines occurred: -mundus caeli vastus constitit silentio, Et Neptunus saevus undis asperis pausam dedit.

+802+. In the case of certain deities, as Volcanus, Neptunus, Mercurius, Sancus, a pronounced Roman development cannot be traced, partly because of the lack of full data, partly, in the case of Volcan, Neptune, and Mercury, because of an early and complete identification with the Greek gods Hephaistos, Poseidon, and Hermes.