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Since his conversation with Nemu, and the dwarf's interpretation of his dream, the path which he must tread to reach his aim had been plain before him. Nefert's mother must be won with the gold which would save her from disgrace, and Mena must be sent to the other world. He relied chiefly on his own reckless obstinacy which he liked to call firm determination Nemu's cunning, and the love-philter.

"Half of you get into the house, and first save the princess; the other half keep the fire from catching the south wing. I will try to get there." But Nemu's brand had been effectual, the flames flared up, and the soldiers strained every nerve to conquer them.

She painfully raised herself on her feet with the help of her stick, she found a knife and a small flask which she slipped into her dress, and then, bent and trembling, with a last effort of her remaining strength she dragged herself as far as Nemu's tent. Here she found Uarda bound hand and foot, and Kaschta lying on the ground in a heavy drunken slumber.

At her feet little Scherau lay asleep. Presently she pushed the child with her foot. "Wake up," she said, as he raised himself still half asleep. "You have young ears it seemed to me that I heard a woman scream in Ani's tent. Do you hear any thing?" "Yes, indeed," exclaimed the little one. "There is a noise like crying, and that that was a scream! It came from out there, from Nemu's tent."

"Half of you get into the house, and first save the princess; the other half keep the fire from catching the south wing. I will try to get there." But Nemu's brand had been effectual, the flames flared up, and the soldiers strained every nerve to conquer them.

The Regent had admitted him to a private interview, and the little man had soon succeeded in riveting his attention; Ani had laughed till the tears rolled down his cheeks at Nemu's description of Paaker's wild passion, and he had proved himself in earnest over the dwarf's further communications, and had met his demands half-way.

"Half of you get into the house, and first save the princess; the other half keep the fire from catching the south wing. I will try to get there." But Nemu's brand had been effectual, the flames flared up, and the soldiers strained every nerve to conquer them.

At her feet little Scherau lay asleep. Presently she pushed the child with her foot. "Wake up," she said, as he raised himself still half asleep. "You have young ears it seemed to me that I heard a woman scream in Ani's tent. Do you hear any thing?" "Yes, indeed," exclaimed the little one. "There is a noise like crying, and that that was a scream! It came from out there, from Nemu's tent."

Since his conversation with Nemu, and the dwarf's interpretation of his dream, the path which he must tread to reach his aim had been plain before him. Nefert's mother must be won with the gold which would save her from disgrace, and Mena must be sent to the other world. He relied chiefly on his own reckless obstinacy which he liked to call firm determination Nemu's cunning, and the love-philter.

She painfully raised herself on her feet with the help of her stick, she found a knife and a small flask which she slipped into her dress, and then, bent and trembling, with a last effort of her remaining strength she dragged herself as far as Nemu's tent. Here she found Uarda bound hand and foot, and Kaschta lying on the ground in a heavy drunken slumber.