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If he thinks I'm gwine to change my way of cookin in my old age, he's mightily mistaken. He need'nt think I'm gwine to make puddins out o' one egg, and lighten my muffins with snow, like these ere Yankees, 'kase I aint gwine to do it for nobody. I sot out to do my duty by you, and I'll do it; but for all that, I aint bound to set to larnin new things this time o' day.

"Oh, yes, sir," said Redbud, looking at him with her kind, sad eyes, "you need'nt be ceremonious with me. Besides, you're Fanny's cousin. I bought this necklace I thought it old-fashioned and pretty." Redbud was silent again, her eyes bent quietly upon the walk, the long lashes reposing thus upon the tender little cheeks.

So I said to him one day, Minister, said I, how on airth do you manage to keep your fruit that's so exposed, when no one else cant do it nohow. Why, says he, they are dreadful pretty fruit, ant they? I guess, said I, there ant the like on em in all Connecticut. Well, says he, I'll tell you the secret, but you need'nt let on to no one about it.

How long we stood thus, I know not; the last sun-rays were dying as Aunt Hildy said: "We must wait no longer; Jane and Aunt Peg, you'll help me, the rest of you need'nt stay;" and so we left our beautiful dead, still in the hands of her friends. The day of her burial was a perfect one calm in its beauty, the blue of its skies like the eyes of our darling.

Come, you foolish children, don't be bothering me with your nonsense. And you, Mr. Verty you need'nt be so foolish as to consider everything I say so harsh as you seem to. You'll go next and tell somebody that old Rushton is an ill-natured huncks, without conscience or proper feeling; that he grumbled with you for stopping a moment to greet your friends. If you say any such thing," added Mr.

You will thus have the consolation of reflecting that you have been ruined in good company, and, in addition, had your pleasure; blacklegs ruin a man with a vulgar rapidity which is positively shocking. Next, my dear boy though this I need'nt tell you never look at Greek after leaving college, or Moral Philosophy, or Mathematics proper.

You need'nt larf, says Father, he's smarter than he looks; our Minister's old horse, Captain Jack, is reckoned as quick a beast of his age as any in our location, and that are colt can beat him for a lick of a quarter of a mile quite easy I see'd it myself. Well, they larfed agin louder than before, and says father, if you dispute my word, try me; what odds will you give?

This Susan promised to do, with a full heart, and Aunt Polly having accomplished her mission, set out on her return, first saying to Susan, however, "We'll wait for you, you needn't be afeard, and I'll do your work 'till you come, 'taint much, for we puts out our washin. And you need'nt be sceard when you see the sogers, they aint gwine to hurt you, though they do look so savage."

A friend of mine in Connecticut, an old sea Captain, who was once let in for it pretty deep, by a man with a broader brim than common, said to me, friend Sam, says he, "I don't like those folks who are too d n good." There is, I expect, some truth in it, tho' he need'nt have swore at all, but he was an awful hand to swear.

"Yes, Longears." "He's not used to logs," said Verty, smiling, and shaking his head; "he generally jumps the streams, like Cloud." "Oh! you need'nt be afraid," here interrupted Redbud, smiling, and passing before Fanny quickly; "we can get over easily enough." The explanation of which movement was, that Miss Redbud saw the lurking mischief in Mr.