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By 1868 Huggins had satisfactorily examined the spectra of about seventy nebulæ, of which one-third displayed a gaseous character. All of these gave the green ray fundamental to the nebular spectrum, and emanating from an unknown form of matter named by Sir William Huggins "nebulum."

You didn't know I could chaffer Latin with the best of 'em, did you? Ah, but I can, even with the Rector, for all the nebulus and nebulum; only I don't trot it out too often. I'll show you a copy of the `Summa' when you come down to my room; but there aren't any confessors now, and dear Protestant Parkyn couldn't read the `Summa' if he had it; so there is no one to settle the case for her."

It produced a curious effect on Westray, and led him to look closely at the organist; but it was too dark to read any emotion in his companion's face, and at this moment the Rector rejoined them. "Eh, what? Ah, yes; the nebuly coat. Nebuly, you know, from the Latin nebulum, nebulus I should say, a cloud, referring to the wavy outline of the bars, which are supposed to represent cumulus clouds.

Its suggested identification with the blue carbon-fluting was disproved at Tulse Hill. Metallic vapours give no certain sign of their presence in the atmospheres of these remarkable bodies; but nebulum is stated to shine in some. Hydrogen and helium account for a large proportion of their spectral rays.