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But I come not here to discourse of that matter, Or his one, two, or three, or his great oath, BY QUATER, His musics, his trigon, his golden thigh, Or his telling how elements shift: but I Would ask, how of late thou hast suffered translation And shifted thy coat in these days of Reformation. Androgyno. Like one of the reformed, a fool, as you see, COUNTING ALL OLD DOCTRINE HERESIE. Nano.

And how! by that means Thou wert brought to allow of the eating of beans? Androgyno. Yes. Nano. But from the mule into whom didst thou pass? Androgyno.

But not on thine own forbid meats hast thou ventured. Androgyno. On fish, when first a Carthusian I entered. Nano. Why, then thy dogmatical silence hath left thee? Androgyno. Of that an obstreperous lawyer bereft me. Nano. O wonderful change, when sir lawyer forsook thee! For Pythagore's sake, what body then took thee? Androgyno. A good dull mule. Nano.

On one side of the right-hand tower is a small house constructed in the same style as the grand pile. The castle is massive and grand. This, its satellite, is massive and tiny, like the frog doing his little bit of bull like Signor Hervio Nano, a tremendous thick dwarf now no more.

Aided by Nano, who commanded Barbarigo's galley, Canale engaged and sunk the vessel of the Pacha of Alexandria. Mahomet Sirocco himself, severely wounded, was fished out of the sea by Gian Contarini, and sent on board Canale's galley. As the wound of the Turk appeared to be mortal, the Venetian relieved him from further suffering by cutting off his head.

The produce of this Island is Bread Fruit, Cocoa Nuts, Bonanoes, Plantains, a fruit like an Apple, sweet Potatoes, Yams, a Fruit known by the name of Eag Melloa, and reck'ned most delicious; Sugar Cane which the inhabitants eat raw; a root of the Salop kind, called by the inhabitants Pea; the root also of a plant called Ether; and a fruit in a pod like a Kidney bean, which when roasted eats like a Chestnut, and is called Ahee; the fruit of a Tree which they call Wharra, something like a Pine Apple; the fruit of a Tree called by them Nano; the roots of a Fern and the roots of a plant called Thive.

He calls his medicine 'Oglio del Scoto: good for strengthening the nerves; a sovereign remedy against all kinds of illnesses; and, 'it stops a dysenteria, immediately. Nano praises its miraculous effects in a song: Ne had been known the Danish Gonswart, Or Paracelsus, with his long sword. Is not HAMLET here as good as indicated by name?

Nano, the dwarf, coming in with Androgyno and Castrone, asks for room for the new gamesters or players, and says to the public: They do bring you neither play, nor university show; And therefore do intreat you that whatsoever they rehearse, May not fare a whit the worse, for the false pace of the verse.

Into a very strange beast, by some writers called an ass; By others, a precise, pure, illuminate brother, Of those devour flesh, and sometimes one another; And will drop you forth a libel, or a sanctified lie, Betwixt every spoonful of a Nativity pie. Nano then admonishes Androgyno to quit that profane nation. Androgyno answers that he gladly remains in the shape of a fool and a hermaphrodite.

Surely, the Danish Prince 'All-Black' is none else but Hamlet clad in black. In the same scene, the connection between Hamlet and Ophelia also is satirically pulled to pieces. In 'Eastward Hoe' , Jonson and his party do the same in the most indecent and most despicable manner. Nano, praising the sublime virtues of the 'Oglio del Scoto, sings: Would you live free from all diseases?