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And if I take a squint at the copper proposition, it will be mostly in Ferdie's interest Ferdie is the capitalist, comparatively speaking; but he can't tear himself away from little old N'Yawk. This is his first trip West here in Vesper. Myself, I've got only two coppers to clink together or maybe three. We're rather overlooking Ferdie, don't you think? Mustn't do that.

Soon a gentle, drizzling rain began, and the punchers hurriedly made their beds, as they did so twitting N'Yawk about making his between our tent and the fire. "You're dead right, pard," I heard one of them say, "to make your bed there, fer if them outlaws comes this way they'll think you air one of the women and they won't shoot you. Just us men air in danger."

"Why ah ah jus' stoppin' by to say howdy, see, an' " "Playin'in N'Yawk?" "No." "Jus'come in?" "Yeah." Freddy drew his breath in quickly. "Say, Bert, you you ain't seen Florette anywheres?" "Why, ye-yeah." "Where is she, Bert?" There was a deathly hush. Then Miss Eva motioned to Miss Nellie and said, "If you will excuse us, Mr.

That started an inquiry and search which speedily showed that some one with a bleeding wound had gotten in with N'Yawk. It also developed that Mr. Watson's splendid horse and saddle were gone, the rope that the horse had been picketed with lying just as it had been cut from his neck. Now all was bustle and excitement.

I'm only a bashful country kid from N'Yawk." "Live and learn," chuckled Pedro. "And clothes really have nothing to do with modesty." "True for ye. Clothes is mostly a disguise, anyhow, specially with women, and an awful expense, besides.

"Yes, always looks as if it were going to slip out of the socket," confirmed Jack. "Well, I hope the girls won't go in too deep with their schemes. Those fellows are from little old N'Yawk." "Quick!" whispered Walter. "There's that Black. If he lays eyes on your plates he'll lick them." The last morsels of food were crammed into mouths before the call from the neighboring camper was answered.

My mother was a wop." "Maybe she'd like t'learna speak N'Yawk!" "If she's the little one with the big blue eyes I can teach her a lot of things better than Italian." "I know some Irish songs and I could hammer brass once't." Mr.

This other river to yer left is the Tickywahoo " "Tecuahy," the blond man corrected, grinning. "Yeah. And behind ye is the last town in the world and the place that God forgot. What d'ye call this here, now, city?" "Remate de Males. Which means 'Culmination of Evils." "Yeah. It looks it. Wonder if it's anything like Hell's Kitchen, up in li'l' old N'Yawk."

The wounded outlaw had doubtless heard the sheriff talking and, the coast being clear to the southward, had got the fresh horse and was by that time probably safe in the heavy forests and mountains of Utah. His getting in with N'Yawk had been a daring ruse, but a successful one. Where his partner was, no one could guess. But by that time all the camp excepting Herman and Mrs.

She very graciously laid her hand in his, and her face beamed with positive pleasure as he awkwardly congratulated her upon her splendid appearance. "Well, little ole N'Yawk ain't done you no hurt as I kin see. Reckon I'll have to winter theah a spell mahself when mah caows come home," he said enthusiastically. "Yuah lookin' purtier 'n a red heifer." Douglass grinned at her rosy confusion.