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Mustardseed, who has met with exactly the same accident about the same time. What do yo think? Eh?" "I don't know, sir," answers the badgered youngster; "Mr. Mustardseed and I are not on speaking terms." "Very likely not," chuckles the skipper, as he proceeds to thrust his nose curiously into the warrant officers' little boxes.

Where's Mustardseed?" "Ready," said Mustardseed. "Oh, I want nothing," said the clown. "Only just help Cobweb to scratch. I must go to the barber's, for methinks I am marvelous hairy about the face." "Would you like anything to eat?" said the fairy Queen. "I should like some good dry oats," said the clown for his donkey's head made him desire donkey's food "and some hay to follow."

Shakespeare has his Gobbo, Touchstone, Simpcox, Sly, Grumio, Mopsa, Pinch, Nym, Simple, Quickly, Overdone, Elbow, Froth, Dogberry, Puck, Peablossom, Taurus, Bottom, Bushy, Hotspur, Scroop, Wall, Flute, Snout, Starveling, Moonshine, Mouldy, Shallow, Wart, Bullcalf, Feeble, Quince, Snag, Dull, Mustardseed, Fang, Snare, Rumor, Tearsheet, Cobweb, Costard and Moth; but in names as well as in plot "the father of Pickwick" has distanced the Master.

"Do you really wish to have me dispose of your securities for you?" He did not regard it as necessary to inquire into the nature of the collateral. If it was satisfactory to the Mustardseed National it must of course exceed considerably the amount of the note. "Yes," answered Mrs. Effingham timidly; and she handed him the letter dictated by Mr. Tutt. "Well," replied Mr.

Here Oberon and Titania might sleep beneath a bower of motionless royal Osmunda. Here Puck might have a noon-tide council with Peaseblossom, Cobweb, Moth, and Mustardseed, holding forth to them in whispers, beneath the green and purple sounding-board of a Jack-in-the-Pulpit. Here, even in this age of reason, the mystery of nature wove its magic round the curious mind of man,

Therefore if I could be convinced that a grain of good as small as the mustardseed should result from the strange quarrels about the primacy of this or that Church or this or that bishop I would be very sorry that there did not exist a Church founded upon the memory of Mary Magdalene.

"You see there are fortunes lying all about us everywhere if we only know where to look. Now the first thing to do is to get your bonds back from the bank." Mr. Thomas McKeever, the popular loan clerk of the Mustardseed National, was just getting ready for the annual visit of the state bank examiner when Mr. Tutt, followed by Mrs.

"Come with me, and I will give you fairies to attend on you." So she called four fairies, whose names were Peaseblossom, Cobweb, Moth, and Mustardseed. "You must attend this gentleman," said the Queen. "Feed him with apricots and dewberries, purple grapes, green figs, and mulberries.

Henrietta only pressed one point more, she begged not to be Titania. "O, you must, you silly child," said Beatrice. "I have such designs for dressing you! Besides, I mean to be Mustardseed, and make grandpapa laugh by my by-play at the giant Ox-beef." "But consider, Bee," said Henrietta, "how much too tall I am for a fairy.

McKeever had about concluded his arrangements for welcoming the state bank examiner when the telephone on his desk buzzed, and on taking up the receiver he heard the ingratiating voice of Alfred Haynes Badger. "Is this the Loan Department of the Mustardseed National?" "It is," he answered shortly. "I understand you hold a note of a certain Mrs. Effingham for ten thousand dollars.