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Thus, said Friar John, at Seuille, the rascally beggars being one evening on a solemn holiday at supper in the spital, one bragged of having got six blancs, or twopence halfpenny; another eight liards, or twopence; a third, seven caroluses, or sixpence; but an old mumper made his vaunts of having got three testons, or five shillings.

"Snails!" he ejaculated internally, "were any neighbour to meet me with this little harlotry's basket at my back, her dog under my arm, and herself hanging on my cloak, what could they think but that I had turned mumper in good earnest? I would not for the best harness I ever laid hammer on, that any of our long tongued neighbours met me in this guise; it were a jest would last from St.

You shall work with me until you are fit to start alone, and then there's plenty of room in England for both of us; but mind, never tell any one what you pick up, or every mumper in the island will put on a suit of sailor's clothes, and the thing will be blown upon. Of course, this was too good an offer to be rejected, and I joyfully acceded.

Parents with nine children; nine children without parents; clergymen most improperly unbeneficed; officers most wickedly reduced; widows of younger sons of quality sacrificed to the Colonies; sisters of literary men sacrificed to national works, which required his patronage to appear; daughters who had known better days, but somehow or other had not been so well acquainted with their parents; all advanced with multiplied petitions, and that hackneyed, heartless air of misery which denotes the mumper.

What an honest fellow was that same mumper who had forewarned us of all these things, and bid us take notice of the mangers above the racks! But, said Panurge to the new-comers, how do you come by all this venison? Methinks the great king has issued out a proclamation strictly inhibiting the destroying of stags, does, wild boars, roebucks, or other royal game, on pain of death.

I have been in every gaol in England, and I know the good ones, for even in gaols there is a great difference. Now the one in this town is one of the best in all England, and I patronises it during the winter. I was much amused with the discourse of this mumper, who appeared to be one of the merriest old vagabonds in England.

If you can't take it, just give me a sail back again. That chap over there with the one arm is a regular 'mumper, and he is a strong, robust fellow, able to work with any man in the prison; but he can make ten times more by 'mumping, and I do not blame the like of him going on that 'racket. Every man for himself in this world. Do you see that little old man with a cough on him?

You shall work with me until you are fit to start alone, and then there's plenty of room in England for both of us; but mind, never tell anyone what you pick up, or every mumper in the island will put on a suit of sailor's clothes, and the thing will be blown upon. Of course, this was too good an offer to be rejected, and I joyfully acceded.

By this time my lord having thrown off his rags, and put on his fine apparel, Mr. Carew was again brought into his presence to receive his final sentence; when his lordship, having sufficiently diverted himself with the fear and consternation of his brother mumper discovered himself to him. We might have mentioned before, that, while my lord and Mr.

I have been in every gaol in England, and I know the good ones, for even in gaols there is a great difference. Now the one in this town is one of the best in all England, and I patronises it during the winter. I was much amused with the discourse of this mumper, who appeared to be one of the merriest old vagabonds in England.