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Thomas Mulock, thus comments on the memorial: "And is it come to this, O ye lords and gentlemen! representatives of the Irish party, with prospective adhesions after the Easter holidays from the vast majority of Irish Protestant proprietors, do you avow yourselves to be in the position of landowners, who stand in no relation of aristocracy or leadership, government or guidance, succour or solace to millions of the people, who famish on the territorial possessions from which you derive your titles, your importance, your influence, your wealth.

Blake himself, his French-Canadian supporters, and some others, voted for the condemnation of the Government, but for some of the most prominent members of the Opposition this was an impossibility. Many prominent Liberals including Mackenzie, Cartwright, Mulock, Paterson, Sutherland, Fisher, and Davies supported the Ministry against their own leader.

A few months later the relations between Canada and Great Britain were further strengthened by the reduction of letter postage throughout the empire Australia excepted largely through the instrumentality of Mr. Mulock, Canadian postmaster-general.

The fact is that the chief here, the governor of this district, Mulock Ben Azel, is not a bright genius, and though he had made up his mind to detain you, it had not occurred to him to detain your vessel. The idea, however, was suggested to him just now by one of these cunning gentlemen, and he has sent a party to stop her.

And there are other, more individual, more intimate ways. The other day a little girl who is a friend of mine asked me to make out a list of books likely to be found in the "children's room" of the near- by public library that I thought she would enjoy reading. On the list I put "The Little Lame Prince," the charming story by Dinah Mulock.

She kept them at the very bottom of a little satinwood box the faded sprig of dill wrapped round with the bit of paper on which was written the charm-verse: "Alva, aden, winira mir, Villawissen lingen; Sanchta, wanchta, attazir, Hor de mussen wingen." By Mrs. Dinah Mulock Craik There was once a little Brownie, who lived where do you think he lived? in a coal cellar.

How glad I am to know they are so well and happy. "Faithfully, MARION." "Comfort our souls with love, Love of all human kind; Love special, close in which, like sheltered dove, Each weary heart its own safe nest may find; And love that turns above Adoringly; contented to resign All loves, if need be, for the love divine." D. M. Mulock Craik.

Hodgson continued to work away with his fish-traps, tow-nets and dredging; Mulock, who had been trained as a surveyor and had great natural abilities for the work, was most useful, first in collecting and re-marking all the observations, and later on in constructing temporary charts; while Barne generally vanished after breakfast and spent many a day at his distant sounding holes.

And the tablecloth, which was wrapped up tidily and put in the dresser drawer, came out as clean as ever, with not a single black footmark upon it. No mischief being done, the cat and the dog both escaped beating, and Brownie played no more tricks with anybody till the next time. By Mrs. Dinah Mulock Craik

Mulock, Edward Rushton, and many others, occupy a place in the pantheon of worthies who stood forward on all great and public occasions when improvement in the constitution was to be advocated. I recollect a time when it was scarcely wise for a man to confess himself a reformer.