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When he had assured them of his undying friendship, one of the prospectors asked: "What's a smart man like you muling rocks around in a river-bed for, anyway? Can't you strike nothing better down to the cities?" "No," declared Black, thickly. "Couldn't strike a job nohow when I left them. British Columbia played out and I had no money to take me to California."

You can see him muling around the dance floor till you get sick of the sight of his darn fool smile, and you wish all the diamonds Maude wears were lost in the deepest smudge fires of hell. Start? There is no start. But there's a sure finish." "You mean if he don't quit he'll go right down and out?" Bill came to a halt directly in front of his friend.

We then listened to the tale of the doctor's experiences that day amid the sturdy, natural-minded population of a muling village not far from Bursley. Seldom have I had such a bath in the pure fluid of human nature. All sense of time was lost. I lived in an eternity. I could not suggest to my host that we should depart. I could, however, decline more whisky.

And can it be fated that the most advanced civilisation of the future shall needs have in it, as the first and chief element of its glory, the most barbarous of all the rituals of barbarism the immolation of hecatombs which wail a muling human wail?

As the two women came up to it, one of them kneeled down on the wet grass and looked long and silently through the clouded shade, while the second stood above her, gently oscillating to and fro to lull the muling baby.

"Is that worse than this suspense this anxiety this looking out from morning till night for the sunshine, and this constant apprehension of the clouds this knowing not what to be about this sulking this sadding this growling this grunting this muling this moping this eternal vinegar-face and ditchwater-spirit?" "I don't know, Ned, but I confess my weakness my want of courage in this respect!"

Doubts, hesitations, sentiment the muling and puking of this twilight age ! And there welled up on his handsome face a smile that was almost devilish the tricks of firelight are so many! It faded again in sheer drowsiness; he slept.... He woke with a start, having a feeling of something out beyond the light, and without turning his head said: "What's that?"

If Lady Casterley had planned this disclosure, which indeed she had not, for the impulse had only come over her at the sound of Courtier's laugh, she could not have, devised one more effectual, for there was deep down in him all a wanderer's very real distrust, amounting almost to contempt, of people so settled and done for; as aristocrats or bourgeois, and all a man of action's horror of what he called puking and muling.

As the two women came up to it, one of them kneeled down on the wet grass and looked long and silently through the clouded shade, while the second stood above her, gently oscillating to and fro to lull the muling baby.

For example, when thou thyself, a watery, pulpy, slobbery freshman and new-comer in this Planet, sattest muling and puking in thy nurse's arms; sucking thy coral, and looking forth into the world in the blankest manner, what hadst thou been without thy blankets, and bibs, and other nameless hulls? A terror to thyself and mankind!