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You hold the power of life and death over all the colony a power like that of God, and put into your hand by Him." "A power put into my hand by Him, and therefore to be justly used. Moyse's crime is great, and mercy to him would be a crime in me. I have fault enough already to answer for in this business, and I dare not sin yet further."

"But if I could prove to you, at this moment, that Moyse's enmity towards the whites is mild and harmless his passions moderation, compared with the tempest in the breasts of some whom you employ and cherish would not this soften you would it not hold your hand from inflicting that which no priest can deny is injustice in God?"

They now turned into the eastern, where they came upon the lovers, who were standing half shrouded by creeping plants Moyse's arm round Genifrede's waist, and Genifrede's head resting on her lover's shoulder.

Genifrede's tones of distress, and Moyse's protestations, all reached his ear. He turned, and gently drew his daughter towards him. "My child," said he, "we are no longer what we have been slaves, whose strength is in the will of their masters. We are free; and to be free requires a strong heart, in women as well as in men.

"We have been so happy here, all together; and now you are glad to go, and leave us behind! You will go and fight, without caring for us you will be killed in this horrid war, and we shall never see you again we shall never know what has become of you." Moyse's military fire was instantly quenched. It immediately appeared to him the greatest of miseries to have to leave his cousins.

That nobleman was arrested in council, accused as an accomplice in the late king's murder, committed to prison, brought to trial, and condemned to suffer as a traitor. * Spotswood, p. 314, Crawford, p. 333. Moyse's Memoirs, Spotswood, p. 312. t Digge, p. 359. 373.