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Indeed I served with him in the Guards." "How very strange," said Anscombe. "He's dead now and my brother is Lord Mountford. Do you like life here better than that in the Guards? I am sure I should." "Both of them have their advantages," he answered evasively, "of which, if, as I think, you are also a soldier, you can judge for yourself. But won't you come up to the house?

'I was afraid once too, but my father and mother are here, and I am never afraid when I am with them. "He took my hand, and led me through a dark passage that fronted the gate. When we came to a little door at the end, he tapped. A boy, still younger than himself, opened it to receive us. Mountford entered with a look in which was pictured the benign assurance of a superior being.

Mountford had time to draw, and stand on his defence, he basely run him thro' the body, and made his escape; the alarm of murder being given, the constable seized lord Mohun, who upon hearing that Hill had escaped expressed great satisfaction, and said he did not care if he were hanged for him: When the evidences were examined at Hicks's-Hall, one Mr. Bencroft, who attended Mr.

They displayed all that sprightliness and good-humour which my praises had led Mountford to expect; subjects, too, of sentiment occurred, and their speeches, particularly those of our friend the son of Count Respino, glowed with the warmth of honour, and softened into the tenderness of feeling. Mountford was charmed with his companions. When we parted, he made the highest eulogiums upon them.

Sir Courtly Nice, created by Mountford, is the hero of Crowne's excellent comedy, Sir Courtly Nice . In Act v he sings a little song he has made on his Mistress: 'As I gaz'd unaware, On a face so fair . Sir Fopling Flutter is the hero of Etheredge's masterpiece, The Man of Mode; or, Sir Fopling Flutter . Sir Fopling, a portrait of Beau Hewitt, became proverbial. The role was created by Smith.

Soane did not answer, and the two, absorbed in the rattle of the dice and the turns of their beloved hazard, presently forgot him; his lordship being the deepest player in London and as fit a successor to the luckless Lord Mountford as one drop of water to another.

"Sometimes, in the pauses of our mirth, gaming was introduced as an amusement. It was an art in which I was a novice. I received instruction, as other novices do, by losing pretty largely to my teachers. Nor was this the only evil which Mountford foresaw would arise from the connection I had formed; but a lecture of sour injunctions was not his method of reclaiming.

In this respect he resembled one greater than he David Garrick. Like Garrick, too, the enterprising Booth had his Peg Woffington, in the pretty person of Susan Mountford, a daughter of the great Mistress Verbruggen.

"'Damn him, damn him! said I. 'Let us leave Milan instantly; but soft I will be calm; Mountford, your pencil. I wrote on a slip of paper, "'To Signor RESPINO. "'When you receive this, I am at a distance from Milan. Accept of my thanks for the civilities I have received from you and your family.

He ate so much, and took so little exercise, that we young women often heard of his being in terrible passions with his servants, and the sexton and clerk. There was a great deal of good in Mr. Mountford, too. He could not bear to see pain, or sorrow, or misery of any kind; and, if it came under his notice, he was never easy till he had relieved it, for the time, at any rate.