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Lieutenant Starr chances to possess two derringers exactly alike which we have mutually agreed upon. I hope this is satisfactory to you, Wayne?" "I am not precisely an expert, but that does not greatly matter. Who acts for Brennan?" "Captain Moorehouse, rather against his will, I think."

We remained one day for repairs and then, in company with Brand, had a glorious sail down the lake to Wynne's station. Our return journey to Christchurch was without incident save one, worth mentioning. This was where we were both nearly drowned crossing the Lindis in a flood. Moorehouse, I believe, sold his interest in the Wanaka district for a song.

How peculiarly the mind often operates in such moments of exciting suspense! I recall remarking a very slight stoop in Brennan's shoulders which I had never perceived before, I remember wondering where Moorehouse had ever discovered a tailor to give so shocking a fit to his coat, and finally I grew almost interested in two birds perched upon the limb of a tree opposite where I stood.

A portly man with a strong face, and wearing a closely clipped gray beard, arose from a comfortable armchair and advanced with hand extended. "I am Captain Moorehouse, in command," he answered cordially, "and am very glad to meet you. Will you not join with us?

"Damn it, Moorehouse," he roared, fairly beside himself, "the charge was too heavy; it overshot." "Are you much hurt?" panted Caton. "Merely pricked the skin." Then Brennan's angry voice rang out once more. "I demand another shot," he insisted loudly. "I demand it, I tell you, Moorehouse. This settles nothing, and I will not be balked just because you don't know enough to load a gun."

He called his mother so, and Melinda, and Eunice Plympton, and Maria Moorehouse, whose eyes he thought so bright, and whom he always saw home from meeting on Sunday nights; and so it never occurred to him that this was his offense. But Melinda knew, and her red cheeks burned scarlet as she tried to cover her brother's blunder by modestly urging Ethelyn to favor them with some music.

"Damn it, I believe my pistol was fixed to overshoot in order to save that fellow. I never missed such a shot before." Moorehouse broke in upon his raving, so astounded at these intemperate words as to stutter in his speech. "D-do you d-dare to in-insinuate, Major Brennan" he began, "that I have " he paused, his mouth wide open, staring toward the shed.

Then Moorehouse approached Brennan with its fellow in his grasp, and the Lieutenant crossed over, and stood beside me. "Here is the gun, Wayne," he said, "and I sincerely hope you have changed your decision. There is no mercy in Brennan's eyes." "So I notice," I answered, taking the derringer from him, and examining it with some curiosity, "but I shall do as I said, nevertheless.

I demand satisfaction at his hands, and if it is refused I shall denounce him in both armies." My cheeks burned, but before I could control myself sufficiently for answer Moorehouse spoke. "But, Brennan, see here," he said anxiously, "surely Captain Wayne has served you well. Is this trouble between you so serious that no amends are possible?" "None, short of a personal meeting."

Ben Moorehouse at home, and was, as always, most hospitably received, and soon found myself with a change of kit, seated before an excellent meal, to which after thirty hours fasting I did ample justice. After that I slept till morning.