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She did not feel so utterly unhappy as before, for the things she had gone through seemed further away. 'After all, she said, 'it don't so much matter. Mrs. Kemp came in. ''Ave a little drop more, Liza. she said. 'Well, I don't mind if I do. I'll get some tumblers, shall I? There's no mistike abaht it, she added, when she had taken a little, 'it do buck yer up.

No, hi 'appened to be ashore that d'y, sir. A mistike, sir, you see. But such a turn of wit as you 'ave, sir!" The head clerk suddenly shed his smile. "Never mind about my wit. What then? You deserted?" "Not hexactly, sir. I was hofficially dead, sir. Ought to 'ave been at the bottom, sir. O yes, sir.

They're all like thet 'usbinds is all alike; they're arright when they're sober sometimes but when they've got the liquor in 'em, they're beasts, an' no mistike. I 'ad a 'usbind myself for five-an'-twenty years, an' I know 'em. 'Well, mother, sobbed Sally, 'it was all my fault. I should 'ave come 'ome earlier. 'Na, it wasn't your fault at all.

"It's the wye they talk in books," said Dickie, suddenly returning to the language of his aunt. "You bein' a toff I thought you'd unnerstand. My mistike. No 'fense." "Mean to say you can talk like a book when you like, and cut it off short like that?"

'You're not 'alf drinkin'. She flourished the bottle. 'I don't care a twopanny 'ang for all them blokes; I'm quite 'appy, an' I don't want anythin' else. 'I can see you're my daughter now, said Mrs. Kemp. 'When yer used ter round on me I used ter think as 'ow if I 'adn't carried yer for nine months, it must 'ave been some mistike, an' yer wasn't my daughter at all.

You surely ain't been at this here muckin' wheel the whole blessed night, have ye, sir?" "Certainly I have," said I, "seeing that the brig had to be looked after, and neither of you men saw fit to relieve me!" "Well," admitted the fellow, "that's a howlin' shime, and no mistike. The fact is that we was all dead tired with sweatin' at them infernal pumps.