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Perhaps she had to learn a yet higher lesson: that our one free home is the Heart, the eternal lovely Will of God, than that which should fail, it were better that we and all the worlds should go out in blackness. But this Will is our Salvation. Because He liveth we shall live also. Mr Cupples found in the missionar kirk a certain fervour which pleased him.

This man had gathered about him a large congregation of the lower classes of Glamerton; and Bruce had learned with some uneasiness that a considerable portion of his customers was to be found in the Missionar Kirk on Sundays, especially in the evenings.

But he had quite another word on the same subject for Annie Anderson, whom he overtook on her way to Howglen-�she likewise returning from the missionar kirk. "Isna that a bonnie ring o' deid man's bells, Annie?" said he, holding out the foxglove, and calling it by its name in that part of the country. "Ay is't. But that was ower muckle a flooer to tak' to the kirk wi' ye.

"There's nae mony like him. I think I'll turn missionar mysel', for ance and awa', and gang and hear him the morn's nicht." At the same instant Annie entered the shop, her face glowing with the heat of the forge and the pleasure of rejoining her friends. Her appearance turned the current, and no more was said about the missionar-kirk.

"I'm a bit o' a Protestant, though I'm nae missionar; an' I'm no inclined to confess, Thamas meanin' no ill-will to you for a' that, ye ken," added George, in a conciliatory tone. "Weel, weel. I can only say that I hae seen no signs o' a savin' seriousness aboot ye, George. Ye're sair ta'en up wi' the warl'." "Hoo mak' ye that oot? Ye big hooses, an' I mak' doors to them.

"I was at the missionar kirk last nicht," faltered Annie. "Ay! And the sermon took a grip o' ye? Nae doot, nae doot. Ay. Ay." "I canna help forgettin' him, Thomas." "But ye maun try and no forget him, lassie." "Sae I do. But it's dour wark, and 'maist impossible." "Sae it maun aye be; to the auld Aidam impossible; to the young Christian a weary watch." Hope began to dawn upon Annie.

Get the Bible we maun. And ye maun fess't to me direckly." Dow was a peaceable man, and did not much relish the commission. Cupples, thinking he too was a missionar, told him the story. "Weel," said Dow, "lat him sit there. Maybe they'll haud him frae doin' mair mischeef. Whan ye jabble a stank, the stink rises." "I thocht ye was ane o' them. Ye maunna lat it oot." "Na, na. I a' haud my tongue."

There's nae gospel for no giein' fowk their ain. I'm nae a missionar noo. I dinna haud wi' sic things. I canna beggar my faimily to haud up her muckle hoose. She maun pay me, or I'll tak' it." "Gin ye do, Mr Bruce, ye s' no hae my siller ae minute efter the time's up; and I'm sorry ye hae't till than." "That's neither here nor there. Ye wad be wantin' 't or that time ony hoo."

And as he knew how to buy as well as how to sell, the poor people, if they had not the worth of their money, had at least what was good of its sort. But, as I have said, although he was making haste to be rich, he was not succeeding fast enough. So he bethought him that the Missionar Kirk was getting "verra throng."

Alec too lay awake and listened to the untiring rain. Weary of the house, he had made use of the missionar kirk to get out of it, and had been one of Mr Turnbull's congregation that night.