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Chicago 4,500 18 9,000 Steel Baltimore 4,413 10 10,064 Steel Philadelphia 4,324 12 8,815 Steel Monterey 4,084 4 5,244 Steel Newark 4,098 12 8,869 Steel San Francisco 4,098 12 9,913 Steel Charleston 3,730 8 6,666 Steel Miantonomah 3,990 4 1,426 Iron Amphitrite 3,990 6 1,600 Iron Monadnock 3,990 6 3,000 Iron Terror 3,990 4 1,600 Iron Lancaster 3,250 12 1,000 Wood Cincinnati 3,213 11 10,000 Steel Raleigh 3,213 11 10,000 Steel Atlanta 3,000 8 4,030 Steel Boston 3,000 8 4,030 Steel

They agreed to a peace with Sachem Massasoit's Pokanokets, who occupied the rest of Rhode Island, east across Narragansett Bay. They marched with the English and the Mohegans to wipe out the hostile Pequots. Canonicus died, and Mi-an-to-no-mah, his nephew, who had helped him rule, became chief sachem. Miantonomah was famed in council and in war.

The colonies suspected him, as they did Alexander, son of Massasoit. They favored the Mohegans of the crafty sachem Uncas. When Miantonomah had been taken prisoner by Uncas, at the battle of Sachem's Plain in Connecticut, 1643, the United Colonies of Connecticut, Massachusetts and Plymouth directed that the Mohegans put him to death, as a treaty breaker.

A few of his men feared. It was suggested to him that he yield to the colonies, lest the Narragansetts be swallowed up by the English. He replied like a chief, and the son of Miantonomah. "Deliver the Indians of Philip? Never! Not a Wampanoag will I ever give up! No! Not the paring of a Wampanoag's nail!"

He was of proud Narragansett blood, from the veins of a long line of great chiefs, and the English had given his father into the eager hands of the enemy. Presently, he was asked to sign treaties that would make him false to the memory of Miantonomah and double-hearted toward the hopeful King Philip.

"Brothers, we must be as one, as the English are, or we shall soon all be destroyed," had said Miantonomah, in a speech to a distant tribe; and that looked to be so. He was now chief sachem of the Narragansetts, and the friend of King Philip. He was a tall, strongly built man, and accused by the English of being haughty and insolent. Why not?

Accordingly Uncas ordered him killed by the hatchet, and ate a piece of his shoulder. Possibly Miantonomah deserved to die, but the hearts of the Narragansetts grew very sore. It is scarcely to be wondered at that they favored the Pokanokets rather than the English, when King Philip, who also had suffered, called upon them to aid in cleaning the land of the white enemy.

Miantonomah of the Narragansetts had been handed over by the colonists to the law of the Mohegans, but when the Pokanokets tried a similar law against a traitor, they had been punished. King Philip could no longer hold back his young men.

Henry W. Lawton assigned to its command. The Norwegian steamers Aladdin and Bergen were released, by orders from Washington. August 12. The flag-ship San Francisco, the monitor Miantonomah, and the auxiliary yacht Sylvia were fired upon by the Havana batteries.