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Courtland made but a poor attempt at understanding even their own countrymen, if they fancied that any rumor of a massacre of cannibals nay, any proof of such a massacre would have an appreciable effect upon the popularity of the man who brought home the meteor-bird." "You don't think that the public generally would believe the story?" said Phyllis.

Courtland's new book by suggesting that he had carried out, single-handed, one of the most atrocious massacres of recent years; and a diamond brooch to the music-hall young lady who had so kindly worked in the reference to the book after dancing one of her most daring hornpipes in the uniform of a midshipman; they doubled the lines of their announcements in the advertising columns of the paper that had issued the cartoon of the New Guinea Pig, and, finally, they sent a presentation copy of "The Quest of the Meteor-Bird," to Mr.

It shouldn't prove so arduous as the quest of the meteor-bird. I do hope that those children will not catch cold. It is a trifle imprudent." "Imprudent?" "Going off that way with nothing on their heads." "Or in them. Happy children!" cried a moralizing novelist, who was smoking an extremely good cigar it had not come from his own tobacconist.

When I made up my mind to find the meteor-bird, don't you suppose that there were many people who told me that, even if it was found, it was quite unlikely that it would be more succulent eating than a Dorking chicken? I'm sure they were right. You see, I didn't go to New Guinea in search of a barndoor fowl. I don't want domestic happiness, I don't want anything but you you are my meteor-bird.

She had sprung from her place on the sofa and was pacing the room, her diamonds quivering, luminous as a shower of meteors that was the fancy that flashed from her to Phyllis. Meteors meteors what a splendid picture she made flashing from place to place! Meteors ah, surely there was the meteor-bird flashing across the drawing room! "Come and sit down, my dear Ella," said Phyllis.

But then he was accustomed to be recognized by women as well as men in every part of Europe, since he had returned from New Guinea with the tail feathers of the meteor-bird, which were now being made into a fan for Mrs. Linton.

From that moment, I'm happy to say, they worshiped me as their supreme deity, and I'm bound to say that I behaved as such; I was certainly the most superior class of god they had ever had, and they gave me a testimonial to this effect in case I might ever be looking out for a new situation." "That was how you managed to get such a collection of birds, including my meteor-bird," said Ella.

It was when, after the long struggle up the river, through the forests, swamps, jungle grass that cut the body of a man as though it were sharp wire, he fired his shot and the meteor-bird fell at his feet. After the first few panting breaths that came to him he had stood leaning on his gun, looking down at that beautiful thing which he had deprived of life.

The effect of the sunlight glinting over this combination on the thousand feathers that swept after the bird had caused Herbert Courtland, the first white man who had seen this glory of glories, to call it the meteor-bird. But those crimson drops: were they not the blood of the men who had perished miserably while endeavoring to wrest its marvels from the tropical forests of that great island?

She had more than once talked seriously to Phyllis on the subject of George Holland. Of course, George Holland had been indiscreet; the views expressed in his book had shocked his best friends, but think how famous that book had made him, in spite of the publication of Mr. Courtland's "Quest of the Meteor-Bird."