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He was the stateliest man in the company. He did nothing, but he looked on as few other men could have done. He was Mr Merdle's last gift to Society. Mr Merdle didn't want him, and was put out of countenance when the great creature looked at him; but inappeasable Society would have him and had got him.

'I trust, however, resumed Mr Dorrit, 'that if I have not the hum great advantage of becoming known to Mr Merdle on this side of the Alps or Mediterranean, I shall have that honour on returning to England.

Mrs Merdle was at home, the best of the jewels were hung out to be seen, Society got what it came for, Mr Merdle drank twopennyworth of tea in a corner and got more than he wanted. Among the evening magnates was a famous physician, who knew everybody, and whom everybody knew. On entering at the door, he came upon Mr Merdle drinking his tea in a corner, and touched him on the arm.

'Mrs Merdle, Mr Dorrit insinuatingly pursued, 'I left, as you will be prepared to hear, the ha observed of all observers, the hum admired of all admirers, the leading fascination and charm of Society in Rome. She was looking wonderfully well when I quitted it. 'Mrs Merdle, said Mr Merdle, 'is generally considered a very attractive woman. And she is, no doubt. I am sensible of her being SO.

'Mr Merdle has destroyed himself. 'Sir, said the Chief Butler, 'that is very unpleasant to the feelings of one in my position, as calculated to awaken prejudice; and I should wish to leave immediately. 'If you are not shocked, are you not surprised, man? demanded the Physician, warmly. The Chief Butler, erect and calm, replied in these memorable words.

'Adieu, Miss Dorrit, with best wishes, said Mrs Merdle. 'If we could only come to a Millennium, or something of that sort, I for one might have the pleasure of knowing a number of charming and talented persons from whom I am at present excluded. A more primitive state of society would be delicious to me.

'No doubt of it, father; but it doesn't follow that his mother's name must be the same. Mrs Merdle was married before, and he is her son. She is in Rome now; where probably we shall know more of her, as you decide to winter there. Sparkler is just come here. I passed last evening in company with Sparkler.

Pray, my darling, hear me out. That woman, she spoke of Mrs Merdle, of course, 'remains here until after Easter; so, in the case of my being married here and going to London with Edmund, I should have the start of her. That is something. Further, Amy.

Nothing could be more agreeable than his frank and courteous bearing, or adapted with a more gentlemanly instinct to the circumstances of his visit. 'Is it fair to ask, he said, as Clennam gave him his hand with a real feeling of thankfulness for his candour and good-humour, 'whether it is true that our late lamented Merdle is the cause of this passing inconvenience?

Society had not thought Edmund a marrying man. 'Have I the honour to conclude, madam, said Mr Dorrit, 'that the direction which Mr Sparkler's affections have taken, is ha-approved of by you? 'I assure you, Mr Dorrit, returned the lady, 'that, personally, I am charmed. That was very gratifying to Mr Dorrit. 'Personally, repeated Mrs Merdle, 'charmed.