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"As I remember it, the Bartons' baby's just come, an' the Wheeler one ain't due yet; so I guess Melviny's yours for the askin'. An' if you can get her, you'll have a whole team." "I don't know whether Aunt Ellen " began Lucy uneasily, but Jane interrupted her: "Oh, it ain't to be expected your aunt will want her," she cut in serenely. "She won't want anybody.

"We'd have to have somebody like that," she said. "You certainly would," agreed Jane. "That's why I feel Melviny's just the one for you." "It is so good of you to be interested." "Bless your heart, I reckon the whole town's interested in Miss Webster bein' took down," confessed Jane naively. "But I don't deserve no credit for this plan; 'twas Martin's idea." "Mar your brother's?" "Yes.

"Why, Melviny's one of the institutions of Sefton Falls. Nothin' goes on in the way of tribulation without Melviny bein' to it." "Oh, I see. She's a nurse." "No, you couldn't really call her that," replied Jane thoughtfully. "An' still I don't know but you might as well tag her that way as any. 'Twould be hard to tell just what Melviny is.

She ain't only a nurse, 'cause she's a dressmaker; an' she ain't exactly a dressmaker, 'cause she makes bonnets; besides that she cleans house for folks, puts up pickles, and tends all the new babies. Melviny's just a sort of present help in time of trouble." Lucy smiled. "I believe, too, she ain't busy just now not more'n ordinarily busy, I mean," Jane hastened to add quickly.