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Many things of this nature had been done by the new commonwealth; but, alas! she did not drape herself melodramatically, nor stalk about with heroic wreath and cothurn. She was altogether without grandeur.

Many things of this nature had been done by the new commonwealth; but, alas! she did not drape herself melodramatically, nor stalk about with heroic wreath and cothurn. She was altogether without grandeur.

As his subordinates dashed up the stairway in futile pursuit, he dallied in the bullet-marked room that he might walk to the center of the stage and wave his unwounded arm melodramatically. "I will rescue her," he vowed solemnly. "I will rescue my little Martha though the chase leads to the burning, sand-strewn deserts of Africa!" There was tumultuous applause and the curtain.

Finally the last dallier had his say, and, after an exchange of cordial good nights, departed. Smith was at this time about due, and as he was noted for his promptitude, he was on hand to keep his date when the hour expired. "What's the lay now, Handy, old man?" inquired Smith, as he joined his manager. "Only this, and nothing more," replied the veteran melodramatically.

Perry set down the battered milk can on which they had paid a deposit of twenty-five cents, took a long breath and, viewing the encompassing fog, exclaimed melodramatically: "Lost on Martha's Vineyard, or The Mystery of the Four Dozen Eggs!" "Well, we won't starve for awhile," laughed Han. "Say, where is that lane we came up, anyway? Think we've passed it?" "About ten miles back," sighed Perry.

Let me go to them instantly. Celestine, take baby." But Celestine had vanished. "Give me the baby, Ruth, and go by all means. Then we can restore quiet to this side of the house at least," and she took with firm hands the shrieking infant from the mother's arms. Mrs. Forrest rushed down the hall and melodramatically precipitated herself upon her offspring in the dining-room.

"It begins with an M, anyway," muttered Tom, studying the object in question. "Ha!" exclaimed Steve melodramatically. "The net is closing! He has hair on his head, is not blind, wears purple pajamas and spells his name with an M! The rest is easy, Tom. Put your hat on and we'll go out and get him." "Oh, shut up, you silly goat!" Tom had the magazine in his hands again and was glancing through it.

By and by the miser returns, when the robber quietly kills him and chucks him in the chest. "Sleep with your gold, old man!" says the bold robber, as he melodramatically retreats retreats to a cellar, where the servant girl resides.

"Wipe your tears; they do me honor; this is my reward," said La Cibot, melodramatically. "There isn't no more disinterested creature on earth than me; but don't you go into the room with tears in your eyes, or M. Pons will be thinking himself worse than he is." Schmucke was touched by this delicate feeling. He took La Cibot's hand and gave it a final squeeze.

That insinuating gentleman sighed deeply, fixed his eyes on the spinster aunt's face for a couple of minutes, started melodramatically, and suddenly withdrew them. 'You seem unhappy, Mr. Jingle, said the lady, in a plaintive voice. 'May I show my gratitude for your kind interference, by inquiring into the cause, with a view, if possible, to its removal? 'Ha! exclaimed Mr.