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'Why, my dear, she's wildly in love with him already, rejoined Lady Tallant, to Joan Gildea's surprise. 'You've seen it? 'I'm not blind, and I know Biddy. But I've seen that she's taking this affair differently from the others, and that's what makes me think it has gone deeper. A very good thing for Biddy. 'You can't mean that it would be a good thing for Biddy to marry Colin McKeith?

McKeith was carrying a leather mail-bag, from which he appeared to have extracted a bundle of letters, with one hand. He held his bridle and coiled stock-whip in the other. He was listening to the mailman, who seemed to be talking animatedly. As they neared the house, he gave the usual COO-EE, that set all the dogs barking, and put the Chinaman-cook and black-boys on the alert.

Lady Bridget impatiently addressed McKeith. 'Go on. What do the Blacks do now to you people to make you treat them unkindly? 'What do they do now to us squatters you mean? Colin had recovered himself. 'Why they begin by spearing our cattle and then they take to spearing ourselves. 'Did they ever spear you? she asked. Colin smiled at her grimly.

Then the curtain seemed to fall that divided her from her past, and when the Governor stepped again on to the Leichardt's Land yacht, and the last farewell had been waved, Lady Bridget felt thankfully that she had become a private individual at last. Only just Bridget, wife of Colin McKeith, Bushman, now starting upon her voyage towards the Wild.

Lady Bridget gleaned that Maule had placed himself under McKeith's directions. 'What are your immediate movements to be? he asked his host. 'Remember, I am ready to fall in with any plans you may have for making me useful. McKeith did not answer at once. He took his pipe from his mouth, and knocked the ashes out of it against the arm of his chair, while he seemed to be considering the question.

Where's your barbarism, Joan? ... I'm pining for a savage existence.... That's an excessively good-looking man' her eyebrows indicated Colin McKeith 'I do hope he is the man I asked for to take me in to dinner I told Vereker Wells that I wanted a new sensation that man looks as if he might give it to me No, don't tell me: there's excitement in uncertainty.

But I don't think I could have stood the drudgery and I should have hated the publicity of it all.... Joan, how did you ever manage to make yourself independent? 'By drudging, said Mrs Gildea dryly. 'Besides, I was born differently. And I was brought up with practical people. 'Mr McKeith, for instance.

I've never said to any man "I love you." She spoke the words now as if she were uttering a sacred formula. Her voice reminded Mrs Gildea of something the same note in the voice of Colin McKeith when he, too, had spoken of love. Yet what she had said was true.

She believed in love and in strange affinities and in hidden threads of destiny all of which ideas fitted beautifully on to Bridget O'Hara's personality, but not at all on to that of Colin McKeith. The first dinner-party given by Sir Luke and Lady Tallant at Government House included Mrs Gildea and Colin McKeith.

'Well! If you come to that, I suppose Captain Cook was stealing when he hoisted the British flag in Botany Bay, said McKeith. 'And if he hadn't, what about the glorious British record, and the March of Civilisation? put in Vereker Wells. Bridget shot a scathing glance at the aide-de-camp.