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The gun busted on me, and I massacreed the marauder wid an ax. Did iver ye disthroy a skunk wid an ax? Then don't. Avoid mixin' it wid the od'riferous animals. Faix, I've buried me clothes it was a new nightshirt, a flannel wan that I had on and scrubbed meself wid kerosene and whale-oil soap that I keep f'r the dog, and I'm no bed of vi'lets yet.

I gathered that the lady is through with you, but she don't want your scalp collected by the boys." "I'm learning to be thankful for small favors," Fraser said dryly. "She figures me up a skunk, but hates to have me massacreed in her back yard. Ain't that about it, Dick?" "Somewheres betwixt and between," France nodded. "Say, you lads going to the dance at Millikan's?"

But only for the fact that Bernard had followed the Indians closely, preventing them from scattering, all would have been massacreed. As it was most of the men kept running until Canyon City was reached, each imagining the fellow behind an Indian. At the Cassner ranch many halted and were that evening joined by Col. Bernard with his cavalry.

If they'd guessed we were scared stiff them b'iled Utes sure enough would have massacreed us. You got to learn to keep yore grin workin', fellow." "I know, but " Bob stopped. Dry sobs were still shaking him. "Quit that," Dud commanded. "I'll be darned if I'll stand for it. You shut off the waterworks or I'll whale you proper." He walked out to look at the horses.

"They've probably heard about the Injun scare and would expect to be massacreed if they came." Indeed the scare, now abating, had spread through the border settlements and kept the people awake o' nights. Samson and other men, left in New Salem, had met to consider plans for a stockade. "And then there's the fever an' ague," Samson added.

She squalled an' took on as if everybody she'd ever knowed had been massacreed, an' you couldn't make out one single word she said no more than if it had been Eyetalian. An' all them folks set with their mouths open, an' seemed to think it was jist grand, low neck an' all, an' when she finished up with a yell jist like the sawmill whistle, they clapped fit to kill.

"Can the Monseigneur cast a spell over them all?" remarked the Ry ironically, for he had little faith in priests, though he had for this particular one great respect. "He's a big man, that preelate," answered Jowett quickly and forcibly. "He kept the Crees quiet when they was going to rise. If they'd got up, there'd have been hundreds of settlers massacreed.

He come through the Injun country that way I dunno yet how he done it, him bein' a Peruvian and all, but he got through, and he says Sworn-off and a whole gang of bad eggs is back here to git this Raposy guy and all the girls they can lay hands on. He says Sworn-off's got them Red Bones workin' for him, and you fellers must be massacreed sure by now.

So they jist lit upon these Friendlies, and massacreed 'em yes, sir, literally massacreed 'em in cold blood, in spite of our flag thar yes, women and little children, even! "'I tell you what, friends; I don't like a hostile Red Skin any more than you do. And when they are hostile, I've fit 'em fout 'em and expect to fight 'em hard as any man. That's my business.

"Can the Monseigneur cast a spell over them all?" remarked the Ry ironically, for he had little faith in priests, though he had for this particular one great respect. "He's a big man, that preelate," answered Jowett quickly and forcibly. "He kept the Crees quiet when they was going to rise. If they'd got up, there'd have been hundreds of settlers massacreed.