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"'Look here upon this picture and on this," quoted Villiers dramatically, taking down Alwyn's portrait from the mantleshelf, and mentally comparing it with the smiling original. "No two heads were ever more alike, and yet more distinctly UNlike.

"Ah! my godmother, in comparison with your life, mine has been cruelly tried," exclaimed Madame Bridau, surprised to find even a canary which she had known when alive, stuffed, and standing on the mantleshelf between the old clock, the old brass brackets, and the silver candlesticks. "My child," said the old lady, "trials are in the heart.

"Ah! my godmother, in comparison with your life, mine has been cruelly tried," exclaimed Madame Bridau, surprised to find even a canary which she had known when alive, stuffed, and standing on the mantleshelf between the old clock, the old brass brackets, and the silver candlesticks. "My child," said the old lady, "trials are in the heart.

But he was destined to puzzle his audience by his keen interest in something that was on the mantleshelf, his description of which seemed to relate to nothing this lady's recollection of Strides interior supplied. "What on earth does the little man mean by a water-cart on the mantelshelf, Mrs. Thrale?" said the Countess on leavetaking.

There was a ship model on the mantleshelf, and over it hung an old portrait of Peter the Great, who, you know, once gave the dockyard cats of Holland a fine chance to look at a king, which is one of the special prerogatives of cats.

'I never wish to forget anything he is! said Cherry, proudly looking up to him. 'Ah! you don't know what is in my pocket! said Felix, leaning his back against the mantleshelf. 'Oh! what! cried Alice and Geraldine both together; while Wilmet looked at him as if she wished to put him in mind of the presence of a stranger. 'Guess! he said. 'Somebody has left you a fortune!

And yet there was a definite and serious purpose in his coming a rather pathetic desire to "put himself right," to get Stonehouse, who leant against the mantleshelf watching him with a frank contempt, to understand and sympathise. "Of course you're mad with me you've got every right to be it was a rotten thing to do bolting like that beastly ungrateful and inconsiderate.

But when James, Earl of Derby, was beheaded, after the battle of Worcester, in 1651, the estate was purchased under the Sequestration Act by Sergeant Glynne, whose portrait hangs over the mantleshelf of the drawing-room; 'but, says Mrs. Gladstone, in calling our attention to it, 'he is an ancestor of whom we have no occasion to be and are not proud." This remark of Mrs.

"Very good, sir." He replaced the receiver, took up a wet oilskin overall from the back of a chair and the cane from the mantleshelf. Then rolling chewing-gum from one corner of his mouth into the other, he snapped off the electric light and walked from the room. Along the corridor he went with a lithe, silent step, moving from the hips and swinging his shoulders.

Even the chimney-piece was absorbed, assimilated, turned into a book-shelf, and so obliterated. Mr. Simon's pipe lay on the hob; and there was not another spot where it could have lain. There was not a shelf, a cupboard to be seen. Even the door that led to the closet where he slept, was covered over, and, like the mantleshelf, obliterated with books.