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III. VII. Gracchus IV. I. War against Aristonicus IV. I. Mancinus II. III. Licinio-Sextian Laws II. III. Its Influence in Legislation IV. I. War against Aristonicus II. III. Attempts at Counter-Revolution

How completely the idea of national and manly honour was already lost among the Romans, was shown with epigrammatic point by the statue of the stripped and bound Mancinus, which he himself, proud of his patriotic devotedness, caused to be erected in Rome. Wherever we turn our eyes, we find the internal energy as well as the external power of Rome rapidly on the decline.

When at length the decision of the senate arrived, its purport was that the war should be continued the state became thus a party to the knavery of Pompeius. Mancinus

These brave people obtained successes against the Roman general Lænas and his successors, Mancinus and M. Æmilius Lepides, as well as Philus and Piso. Scipio even declined a battle, and fought with mattock and spade. A double wall of circumvallation, surmounted with towers, was built around the city, and closed the access to it by the Douro, by which the besieged relied upon for provisions.

But in the public trials, in which Carbo was concerned, the assistance of an able advocate had become more necessary than ever, in consequence of the law for voting by ballots, which was proposed and carried by L. Cassius, in the Consulship of Lepidus and Mancinus. P. Lentulus too, the Father of the Senate, had a sufficient share of eloquence for an honest and useful magistrate.

By right this category ought to have included all the officers who had sworn to the treaty; but Gracchus and the others were saved by their connections. Mancinus alone, who did not belong to the circles of the highest aristocracy, was destined to pay the penalty for his own and others' guilt.

No one was ignorant that Quintus Pompey had signed a treaty, and that Mancinus had done the same. The latter, being a virtuous man, supported the proposition which I laid before the people, after the decree of the senate. The former, on the other side, opposed it vehemently.

III. VII. Gracchus IV. I. War against Aristonicus IV. I. Mancinus II. III. Licinio-Sextian Laws II. III. Its Influence in Legislation IV. I. War against Aristonicus II. III. Attempts at Counter-Revolution

Yet the bitter lesson seemed utterly lost on the successor of Mancinus, his colleague in the consulship, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus. In doing so he showed himself as bad a soldier as he was a bad citizen.

But, to return to myself, you remember, when Quintus Maximus, Scipio's brother, and Lucius Mancinus were Consuls, how much the people seemed to favor the law of Caius Licinius Crassus about the priests. That was during my praetorship, five years before I was chosen Consul. Thus the cause was gained by its own merits rather than by official authority.