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They wouldn't any more think of eating anything at a dinner after the caviar and oysters than you'd think of flying. It's a waste of time and money to give 'em real food. This is the second time I've tried my scheme and it's worked both times. I can serve this same dinner twenty times. Everything's made of wax and papier mache. See what I mean?

Paper screws are employed in ornamental wood work, and if a hole is begun for such a screw, it will twist its way into soft wood as well as steel would do. Barrels of paper reinforced with wire are common. Gear wheels and belt pulleys are made of papier maché, and even the wheels of railroad coaches; at least the body of the wheels is made of it, although the tire, hub, and axle are of cast-steel.

In either transept a bench-table runs along the west wall, and the large lower windows are plainly splayed, but have their sills stepped. The glass in them is bad, except some seventeenth century pieces in the window over the north door. The roof, which is of oak, and Perpendicular, had been concealed in the time of Blore by sham Norman vaulting constructed of papier maché.

The waves were beating against a steep bank up which a tigress was climbing, carrying her cub in her mouth. On the top of the bank stood a lovely woman endeavouring to save her terrified child. She was the only living figure on the car, everything else, even the terrified child, being of papier mache.

Ahmed's elephant shouldered through the gates grandly. For all the resistance they offered that skull they might have been constructed of papier mache. Through the dust they hurried. Whenever a curious native got in the way the butt of a rifle bestirred him out of it. Umballa had lashed Kathlyn to a sapling which was laid across the path of the car. The man was mad, stark mad, this night.

The Duca has been dead five or six." "And was he also young and lovely?" Peter asked. "Young and lovely! Mache!" derided Marietta. "He was past forty. He was fat. But he was a good man." "So much the better for him now," said Peter. "Gia," approved Marietta, and solemnly made the Sign of the Cross.

Flat-roofed, arcaded buildings terraced one above the other, with gaily painted walls from which covered wooden verandahs and box-like, latticed windows jutted out, surrounded a paved courtyard, its rough flagstones hidden by shifting, many-coloured throngs of gorgeously vestmented priests, mitred bishops, hideous demons, skeletons with grinning skulls and weird creatures with papier maché heads of bears, tigers, dragons and even stranger beasts.

We traced his footprints through a bog until we found the spot, not far off, where, overcome by greed or curiosity, he ripped up that strong leather knapsack as if it was papier maché and made hay of its contents." The boys had all crowded near to listen. It was now the social hour for campers.

Chance's establishment, of which we shall say more when noting the social state of the Birmingham operatives. PAPIER MACHE. Messrs. Jennens and Bettridge's works are so well known that it is only necessary to refer to them for the purpose of saying that in their show-rooms some new application of the art which they have carried to such perfection is constantly to be found.

"And Brandt, if there are degrees of unbirth, is even more furiously unborn than Brandi." "Unborn ?" said Annunziata, frowning. "Not noble not of the aristocracy," John explained. "Very few people are noble," said Annunziata. "All the more reason, then, why you and I should be thankful that we are," said he. "You and I?" she expostulated, with a shrug of her little grey shoulders. "Machè!