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Set you right up terrific air, smashing scenery, ripping sport, caravans and all that sort of thing. Fine idea, very fine. Never could forgive you breaking up that trip, you know. There." Rapidly he skimmed through the atlas, mumbling, "M-M-M Morocco." Lightbody, irritated at the idea of facing a decision, moved uneasily, saying, "Anywhere, anywhere."

Daggett.... "I told the boys I guessed she was some relation of th' Grenoble Orrs, an' mebbe " "Well; she ain't," denied Mrs. Black crisply. "M-m-m?" interrogated Mr. Daggett, intent upon a careful search among the various canned products on his shelf. "How'd she happen to come to Brookville?" Mrs. Black tossed her head.

Koko tried to say, "Your hand isn't over my mouth," and Menie tried to say, "It's over mine!" but he could only say, "M-m-m," because she held on so tight! Koko's mother was making so much noise herself that she wouldn't have heard what either one said anyway. The baby woke up and whimpered. Nip and Tup woke up and barked like everything.

"Yes," spoke up Toby, who was watching this action with signs of disapproval, for he believed he would be compelled to complete his meal with crackers and cheese; "we k-k-know now there are p-pearls in some of these b-b-blessed old m-m-m" whistle "mussels, there!" "But don't let's get too big notions, fellows," Owen thought fit to put in just then.

Only once had he given free rein to his inclinations and written with a poisoned pen. To-night, however, as he entered the stage door of Bergman's Circuit Theater, it was with a different intent. Regan, the stage-door tender, better known since his vaudeville days as "The Judge," answered his greeting with a lugubrious shake of a bald head. "I'm a sick man, Mr. Pope. Same old trouble." "M-m-m.

"You takin' his part, ain't y'?" he said. "M-m-m! how's thet? Are you so all-fired anxious t' git t' Brannon?" "No, dad, I'll never go to Brannon. Never! never! If I did, you, my father, oughtn't t' misunderstand it." He quailed before her vehemence, and hobbled shamefacedly toward the door. "O' course, if th' Injuns come " he began. "They won't." She drew Marylyn to her.

We want a woman to wait and weep while we go off to the wars." "We understand," she kept repeating.... "And now, before you go, come home with me and let me make you a cup of tea just a cup of tea before you go." He went with her, and, when his tea-cup was finished, he happened to look into the bottom. "What do you see?" she asked quickly, taking the cup. "M-m-m," said Mowbray.

It goes down so slick I buy another round, and then one more, lettin' in a thirsty-lookin' stranger on the third round. That makes seven bottles altogether. Then I think mebbe I better pay up now before I lose track. Looey, guess what them seven bottles o' suds come to in American money." "M-m-m! Well, say about three and a half or four dollars." "That's what I figgered," mourned Tim.

Hurry, dearie!" She snatched up her furry trifle of a dog, burying her warming face in his fleece. "M-m-muvver loves her bow-bow. Muvver loves whole world. Muvver just loves whole world. M-m-m-m, chocolate? Just one ittsie bittsie piece and muvver eat half m-m-m! La-la! Bow-wow! La! La!"

"Sure!" She bit into one gently; then with appetite. "M-m-m! Good!" "Want another?" "M-m-m my mouth! Ouch! My m mouth!" "Gee, you cute little thing, you! See, my mouth's the same way too. Feels like a knot. Gee, you cute little thing, you all puckered up and all."