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Inscribed "GULA SINE ORDINE SUM." Spenser's Gluttony is more than usually fine: He rides upon a swine, and is clad in vine-leaves, with a garland of ivy. Compare the account of Excesse, above, as opposed to Temperance. SECTION LXVII. Third side. Pride.

The packet has arrived, but brings no intelligence, except that it is doubtful whether Congress will adjourn this summer. The Assembly of Pennsylvania propose to suppress their bank on principles of policy. LETTER LXVII. TO JOHN ADAMS, June 23, 1785 Paris, June 23, 1785. Dear Sir, My last to you was of the 2nd instant, since which I have received yours of the 3rd and 7th.

She never dies; she has nearly come to life. There in that covered hemlock branch is her life. Go there, and as soon as you see her enter, shoot her life. Then she will be dead." Hardly had she finished speaking when sure enough in came the ogress, singing as she walked. But the boy shot at her life, and she fell dead to the floor. LXVII. The External Soul in Folk-Custom

LXVII. He has given away many of his things, which, if he had wished to sell them, would have brought him in endless money; as, for example, were there no others, the two statues that he gave to Roberto Strozzi, his great friend.

Added to this, in many works on the subject we find reliance placed, especially for the African facts, on reports of travellers who were merely visitors to the regions on which they wrote. Classification. See, however, articles by Preuss in Globus, vol. lxvii., in which he maintains that animals of magical influence are elevated into divinities. Animal Cults. Bear.

LXVII. Of the high-priest's going into the Holiest alone. Of the people there was none to help him to bear his cross, or in the management of the first part of his priestly office. Why then should there be any to share with him in his executing of the second part thereof?

Confessions, pt. i. liv. v. Date of 1736. OEuvres, lxxv. 182. Corr. 1762. OEuvres, lxxv. 188. OEuvres, lxvii. 432. Condorcet, 170. The repeated wars between France and England in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries had involved also their colonies in America and India.

LXVII. He neither noticed all their transgressions, nor punished them according to strict rule. But for deserters and mutineers he made the most diligent enquiry, and their punishment was most severe: other delinquencies he would connive at.

And whatever legacies or shares of their property were left him by such as were parents, he used to restore to their children, either immediately, or if they were under age, upon the day of their assuming the manly dress, or of their marriage; with interest. LXVII. As a patron and master, his behaviour in general was mild and conciliating; but when occasion required it, he could be severe.

As the volume and the page of the volume are given in my references, it will be easy, by the help of this table, to learn where to look for any passage cited, in differently arranged editions. Burton's Life of David Hume, i. p. 354. Lord Macaulay, Article on History, Edinburgh Review, vol. lxvii. Letter to Clephane, 3rd September, 1757.