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"Lop-ears," said Nestie after a moment's silence, and Speug was more confounded than he had ever been in all his blameless life. "Ernest Molyneux, div ye kin whar ye 'ill go to if ye tell lees." "I'm telling the t-truth, Speug, and I never tell lies, but sometimes I compose t-tales. Lop-ear rabbits, and he feeds them himself."

I am glad I have lived to see the maid who dealt you your first wound!" "Do you fancy that I am in love?" said I defiantly. "Why not admit what your lop-ears and moony mien yell aloud to the world entire?" "Have you no common sense, Lana? Do you imagine a man can fall in love in a brief week?" "I have been wondering," said she coolly, "whether you have ever before seen her."

George Sannel was seated one evening in the "Heart of Oak" inn, sipping some excellent home-brewed ale, which had been warmed up for his consumption in a curious funnel-shaped pipkin, when his long lop-ears caught a remark made by the inn-keeper, who was reading out bits from the local paper to a small audience, unable to read it for themselves. "Five pound reward!" he read. "Lor massy!

"And perhaps I'm to have a shaggy pony all to myself," exclaimed Nell; "but it's only perhaps. It's perhaps, too, with you, Boris, and you, Kitty; you oughtn't to forget that." "Oh, bother perhapses!" exclaimed Kitty. "I know I'm to have my rabbit; he's to have lop-ears and long fur, and he's to be snow-white, if possible. I described him fully to mother last night when she came to tuck me up.

'Silence, he hisses, 'if you can't hear that damn reveille, I'll punch you in the snoot, an' then mebbe you'll spread them lop-ears o' yourn! "Heaven! Your Alonzo is derided by a hireling! "'Pack up, you swallow-tailed, leather-seated, pig-prodding sons of galoots! Thus, our first sergeant, recently of the regulars, roll-call having ended.

When you are able you must come and see my lop-ears." "Have you many rabbits?" "Yes, quite a number. Prim he is the stillest old codger you ever saw." "What other pets have you?" "I've lots of chickens, three dogs, two cats, a squirrel, and a parrot." "A large family." "Yes, almost too large; they will have to be given up soon." "How soon?"

Bring on your Fidos," and then as "Scotty" Allan appeared and stood with difficulty holding the spirited Allan and Darling dogs, the same voice asked in tones of utter disdain, "Whose mangy Fidos are these?" He was evidently a stranger, and in favor of the trim Siberians, scorning the rangy "Lop-ears," as they are sometimes called in derision.

Since many breeds have upright ears, we cannot say that disuse of the external ear has produced lop-ears in domesticated rabbits generally, but in lop-eared breeds the ears are much enlarged; and though this may be gametogenic, the increased weight may have been the cause of the loss of the power to erect the ears.

Before sunrise the next morning, Raphael was faring forth gallantly, well armed and mounted, by Synesius's side, followed by four or five brace of tall brush-tailed greyhounds, and by the faithful Bran, whose lop-ears and heavy jaws, unique in that land of prick-ears and fox-noses, formed the absorbing subject of conversation among some twenty smart retainers, who, armed to the teeth for chase and war, rode behind the bishop on half-starved, raw-boned horses, inured by desert training and bad times to do the maximum of work upon the minimum of food.