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This was the same long-familiar tone his father always took with him, and Seryozha had learned by now to fall in with it. His father always talked to him so Seryozha felt as though he were addressing some boy of his own imagination, one of those boys that exist in books, utterly unlike himself. And Seryozha always tried with his father to act being the story-book boy.

But now rises a heart-moving question. The dearest article of religious faith has been a Divine Power, governing the universe and holding to man an intimate relation involving issues of supreme significance to humanity. At this point modern thought falters. The long-familiar expression of that belief is the assertion of a personal, providential, all-just, and all-loving God.

I was talking over that last fact, in a rather dreamy mood, as he and I sat in our long-familiar summer seat, the clematis arbour by the garden wall. "It seems very strange, John, but so it is I am actually twenty." "Well, and what of that?" I sat looking down into the river, which flowed on, as my years were flowing, monotonous, dark, and slow, as they must flow on for ever.

It was pitch black without, the air heavy with moisture, and penetrating. He led the horses from the shed under which he had hitched them to the stage, and climbed with his lantern into the long-familiar place by the whip. A light streamed from the filmy window of the post-office, falling upon tarnished nutcrackers and picks in a faded plush-lined box ranged behind the glass.

A sort of vague alienation seemed to the little doctor to come like a film over the long-familiar vistas of the town where he had once walked in the vigor and complacency of strength and distinction. This was not the same New Orleans.

I had drawn the bolt within, as I invariably did while bathing, and with a feeling of proud security I stood and surveyed the scene beneath and around me. Bathed in the golden light of that autumn noonday sun, I saw and recognized a long-familiar scene, and for a moment I reeled on the slender step as I did so, and all grew dark around me.

Their happiness was in each other's keeping and both were unafraid. They were married in the sunshine of the old orchard, circled by the loving and kindly faces of long-familiar friends. Mr. Allan married them, and the Reverend Jo made what Mrs. Rachel Lynde afterwards pronounced to be the "most beautiful wedding prayer" she had ever heard.

More than this, she touched the signature, the long-familiar name with her soft lips, and as though afraid of what she had done, hurriedly folded the letter and locked it away. Then she sat down and thought. Nearly two years had elapsed since she had left Briar Farm, and in that short time she had made the name she had adopted famous.

Visions of long-familiar homes and long-familiar friends? And just how were they facing the future? Even as I wondered, voices rose in a song, English voices, soldier voices. It was not "Tipperary," the song that thrilled us a few years ago. I strove to catch the words: "I want to go home!

Because they have every sort of capacity every sort of cleverness and no character! David walked beside him in silence. He thought suddenly of Regnault's own picture its strange cruelty and force, its craftsman's brilliance. And the recollection puzzled him. Regnault, however, had spoken with passion, and as though out of the fulness of some sore and long-familiar pondering.