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"The thought fired me with a new enthusiasm. Forthwith I started to pursue the possible course of the fugitives, threading countless by-streets and alleys, peering into squalid courts and sending many a doubtful-looking loiterer shuffling hastily round the nearest corner. Of course it was fruitless. I had no clue and did not even know the men. I was merely walking off my own excitement.

I felt a sadness of heart at the idea, that this was an emblem of her lot: a few more years of sunshine and shade, and all this life and loveliness, and enjoyment, will have ceased, and nothing be left to commemorate this beautiful being but one more perishable portrait; to awaken, perhaps, the trite speculations of some future loiterer, like myself, when I and my scribblings shall have lived through our brief existence, and been forgotten.

But I must first beg you to close the window; the air grows cool, and I should also be loath to have our discourse reach the ears of any loiterer." Luciè obeyed in silence; and drawing her chair closer to her aunt, she prepared to listen, with almost breathless attention.

There was something so damnably uncanny in their appearance, and so startling, that a cold sweat broke out over me, and I snapped my rifle to the present. Had they not been women they would not have lived; a loiterer around headquarters takes his life in his hands.

If she went around to the front so as to get access to the steps, she might pass in range of the loiterer whom she mistrusted. That risk she would not incur. Examining the wall that enclosed the box-like stairway as best she could in the dark, she found it rickety, full of holes and cracks, and she decided she would climb it.

The style of a writer like Irving a mere loiterer in the field of letters is at best a creditable product of artifice. To him even so much credit has not been always allowed; the clever imitator of Addison or, as some sager say, of Goldsmith has not even invented a manner; he has borrowed one. Fortunately, novelty of form is a very different thing from literary excellence.

"And your advice is excellent, for you and for every other loiterer through the gay fair-time of an idle life," replied the Emperor, "but the man whose task it is to bear millions in safety and over abysses, must watch the signs around him, look out far and near, and never dare close his eyes, even when such terrors loom as it was my fate to see during the past night."

He thought he had recognized the man for the same who had been following himself, Mrs. Irvin and Sir Lucien Pyne along old Bond Street. A smile, intended to be propitiatory, appeared upon the pale face. "No, sir, excuse me, sir " "Don't deny it!" said Gray angrily. "If I had the time I should give you in charge as a suspicious loiterer."

Rolles; he immediately recognised it for a part of the treasure stolen from Harry Hartley by the loiterer.

From this scene, from these thoughts, the young loiterer turned with a sigh towards the solitary house in which this night could awaken none but the most anxious feelings, and that moon could beam only on the most troubled hearts. "Terra salutiferas herbas, eademque nocentes Nutrit; et urticae proxima saepe rosa est."