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After all, the poor lady is greatly to be pitied; her sole remaining daughter, deep and far gone in a decline, has been seized with alienation of mind. He came overland from India and has observed a good deal. General L of L , in Logan's orthography a fowl, Sir William Hamilton, Miss Peggie Swinton, William Keith, and others.

The enemy's losses in these unsuccessful assaults were fearful. During that evening the enemy in Logan's front withdrew into the town.

They returned with Logan's stubborn answer, written out by John Gibson: I appeal to any white to say, if ever he entered Logan's cabin hungry, and he gave him not meat; if ever he came cold and naked, and he clothed him not. Such was my love for the whites, that my countrymen pointed as they passed, and said, "Logan is the friend of the white men."

Why should she all at once interrupt her talk and put this question to me? None but Sir Roland Challoner and I were aware of the dead man's identity; even we had no actual proof that he had been Lord Logan's son, though our discovery of the locket, considered in relation to certain facts known to Sir Roland, left no room for doubt.

Logan, alive to the trick but caught behind his partner, fired over Sandusky's right shoulder at de Spain's head, flattened sidewise against the gasping outlaw's breast. Hugging his shield, de Spain threw his second shot over Sandusky's left shoulder into Logan's face. Logan, sinking to the floor, never moved again.

Randolph did nothing to bring it up again; and Daisy lay quite still, while the storm raged in full fury, and the screams and ejaculations of the ladies were joined now and then by a word of impatience from one of the gentlemen, or a "Hech, sirs!" in Logan's smothered Scotch brogue. Once Mr.

It would be better, even if Cousin Anna did treat everybody as if they were ten and very foolish. . . . And she had refused the offer of a nice foursome and one of Lucille's cheerful friends, to stay home and be treated this way! She rose and went to the telephone again, with blazing cheeks. She called up, on the chance, Logan's number; and amazingly got him.

When eight miles west of Clinton, Grierson heard a report that Logan had gone that morning toward Port Hudson, but pushing on toward Clinton, after crossing the Comite Grierson found Logan's advance and drove it back on the main body, strongly posted on Pretty Creek.

The panacea she applied to all ailments, moral or physical, was a counter-irritant. "Mis' Squeerington!" she ventured finally. "I hope you ain't fergot that it's Saturday mornin' an' you'd orter row the grocery man. He's a cortion, that's what he is, a-sendin' us Mis' Ivy's ribs, an' Mis' Logan's liver. It ain't a decent way to treat a old customer, an' he orter be told so.

After the slight resistance which was made by the Indians had ceased, captain Logan's men were both annoyed and endangered by some arrows, shot among them by an invisible but not unpractised hand.