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Updated: August 25, 2024

When I sez to myself, 'Bill, I sez, 'put out to sea; you're amongst Kaffirs, Bill. It occurred to me as old Kwen Lung might wonder 'ow much I knew. So I beat it. But when I got in the open air I felt I'd never make my lodgin's without a tonic. That's 'ow I come to meet you, mates. "Listen I'm away in the old Seahawk in the mornin', but I'll tell you somethink.

Though I reckin that'll hardly be necessary when the news of your good luck gits noised round I misdoubt whether there's any firm in our entire city that wouldn't be glad to have you on their books fur a stiddy customer. "And, also, ef I was you I'd arrange to git me regular board and lodgin's somewheres round town.

'It must have been of great service to you, in the course of your rambling life, Sam. 'Service, sir, exclaimed Sam. 'You may say that. Arter I run away from the carrier, and afore I took up with the vaginer, I had unfurnished lodgin's for a fortnight. 'Unfurnished lodgings? said Mr. Pickwick. 'Yes the dry arches of Waterloo Bridge.

"Go on as if I 'ad lodgin's in the town. If you don't want me I know one as do. Me and the chemist's boy ain't too big for the attick." "Very well," said Reginald, "you had better go up to bed now, it's late." "Don't you think you're having a lark with me," said the boy; "'tain't eleven, and I ain't done this here Tigerskin yet. There's a lump of reading in it, I can tell you.

Mr Denham is so 'ard on me that I feels like to die every time I sees 'im. Bax opened his eyes very wide at this. It revealed a state of things that he had never before imagined. Tommy Bogey puffed so large a cloud that his face was quite concealed by it, and muttered "you air a rum 'un!" "Where d'ye stop, boy?" inquired Bax. "In lodgin's in Fenchurch Street."

"Cudna we gang an' see the maister the day?" said Blue Peter, changing the subject. He meant Mr Graham, the late schoolmaster of Portlossie, whom the charge of heretical teaching had driven from the place. "We canna weel du that till we hear whaur he is. The last time Miss Horn h'ard frae him, he was changin' his lodgin's, an' ye see the kin' o' a place this Lon'on is," answered Malcolm.

An' then before the Homes was set a-goin', the fellers as wanted to get quiet lodgin's didn't find it easy to know where to look for 'em, an' was often took in; an' when they wanted to send cash to their wives or mothers, they didn't well know how to manage it; but now, wherever there's a Home you can git cheap board, good victuals, help in the way o' managin' yer cash, an' no end of advice gratis.

I can't make out what they does for a livin'! Scholards they be most of 'em I'm told. Mr. Vane's lodgin's on the top floor. You goes right up. That's old Sol Moggs' squeak as you can hear. Don't 'ee be afeared of 'im, dearie." The old woman, who was laden with a big basket and a bundle, went out and Lavinia with much misgiving ascended the stairs. She remembered the name, Solomon Moggs.

"What do you think happened to Parrawhite, Mr. Pickard?" asked Byner. "Gow, I know what I think!" replied Pickard disgustedly. "I think 'at if he did get any brass out o' Pratt which is what I know nowt about, and hewn't much belief in he went straight away fro' t' town vanished! I do know this he nivver went back to his lodgin's that neet, 'cause I went theer mysen next day to inquire."

In one cottage, where we stopped a few minutes, the old woman told us that, in addition to their own family, they had three young women living with them the orphan daughters of her husband's brother. They had been out of work thirty-four weeks, and their uncle a very poor man had been obliged to take them into his house, "till sich times as they could afford to pay for lodgin's somewheer else."

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