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Updated: August 19, 2024

Lodema wuz too mad to find fault or complain or anything. She jest marched up-stairs and didn't come down agin that night. And the young folks had a splendid good time, and the old ones, too. Tirzah Ann and Maggie had brought some refreshments with 'em, and so had some of the other wimmen, and, with what I had, there wuz enough, and more than enough, to refresh ourselves with.

King's Highway is open trail. Beryl and I go through there often in the Yellow Peril, since dad gave me outright the Bay State Ranch and all pertaining thereto except, of course, Perry Potter; he stays on of his own accord. Frosty is father King's foreman, and Aunt Lodema went back East and stayed there.

"Yes," sez I, sadly, "you have got the spunk." "Wall," sez he, "I guess I can spunk up, and do somethin' for one of my own relations, without any interference or any advice from any of the Smith family, or anybody else." Sez I, "I don't want to stop your doin' all you can for Lodema, but why not tell what you are a-goin' to do?" "It will be time enough when the time comes," sez he.

But along about the middle of the fifth week I see a change. Lodema had been uncommon exasperatin', and I expected she would set Josiah to goin', and I groaned in spirit, to think what a job wuz ahead of me, to part their two tongues when all of a sudden I see a curius change come over my pardner's face.

But when she wrote, the day after I got that letter from Frosty, and said that Beryl and Aunt Lodema had just returned and were going to spend the winter in New York and join the Giddy Whirl, I will own that I was a much better that is, prompt correspondent.

In a meeting that my brother George, Sister Lodema Kaser, and I held in Wymore, Father sought the Lord and seemed to get a real experience of salvation. Later he had some little difficulty in retaining his experience. He got tried at some of the brethren and thought he would leave the church, as he had formerly done in sectarianism.

Sez I, "Tirzah Ann, if you say a word to her, I'll I'll never put confidence in you agin;" sez I, "Life is full of tribulations, and we must expect to bear our crosses;" sez I, "The old martyrs went through more than Lodema." Sez Tirzah Ann, "I believe Lodema would have wore out John Rogers."

Wall, I wuz goin' to have some scolloped oysters for supper, so the first thing I did wuz to put 'em into the oven they wuz all ready, I had scolloped 'em before Josiah come, and got 'em all ready for the oven and then I set down and read my letters. Wall, the first one I opened wuz from Lodema Trumble, Josiah's cousin on his own side.

"A week!" sez I; "Josiah Allen, where is your conscience? if you have got a conscience." "In the same old place," sez he, kinder hittin' himself in the pit of his stomach. "Wall, I should think as much," sez I. And Lodema sez, sez she: "A man that won't tell things is of all creeters that walks the earth the most disagreeable.

But she found fault with my vittles from mornin' till night, though I am called a excellent cook all over Jonesville, and all round the adjoining country, out as far as Loontown, and Zoar. It has come straight back to me by them that wouldn't lie. But it hain't made me vain. But I never cooked a thing that suited Lodema, not a single thing.

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