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Gris!" he muttered hoarsely, and loosened the long rapier in the shabby sheath at his side. For, with the closing of the door, he had become a Huguenot gentleman, over forty and a little grizzled perhaps, but modest and unassuming; wiry, alert, lightning-quick, with a wrist of steel and a heart of gold; and he was about to ascend the stairs of an unknown house at Blois in total darkness.

Her figure drooped as though she were weary or very, very sad, and I said to myself, "I don't know what you are looking at, but I do know it's something you want awfully," and just then she turned and faced me. My heart gave a plunge against my side. I knew her. One woman's glance, lightning-quick, mathematically true, and I had her photograph the last, the very last I ever took of poor Semantha.

Under the bulging abdomen of the termite containing the reddish acid, Jim halted as though to make a defiant last stand against the guards. They stopped, too, then began to advance on him from either side, more slowly, like two great cats stalking a mouse. Muscles bunched for a lightning-quick move, eyes narrowed to mere slits as he calculated distances and fractions of a second.

The Superintendent himself was keeping watch over Company B, but, in a professionally Olympian scorn of processions, he was far from asking or caring to know who the Marshal was, and indeed, if he had known, he would scarcely have drawn such a lightning-quick inference as that the missing Marshal and the missing murderer were one and the same. So Mr.

One of the two or three mounted men engaged in the operation would throw his lasso over the horns, and, galloping off, pull the rope taut; a second man would then drop from his horse, and running up to the animal behind, pluck out his big knife and with two lightning-quick blows sever the tendons of both hind legs.

The one was a delicious drawl; the other had been the guttural rasp and click of the kitchen and the bazaar. So she moved off, and, in a little, the second woman disappeared into the crowd. Most likely it was no more than some question of the programme or dress, but the prompt, feline stealth and coolness of it, the lightning-quick return to and from world-apart civilisations stuck in my memory.

Mackworth took me to one side and thrust a fifty-dollar bill into my hand. I hurried down to Locker, the clothier.... In a very little while I was again walking by the Bellman House, completely togged out in new apparel from head to heel. Mackworth was still standing there, and he laughed with astonishment at the lightning-quick change in my appearance.... "You're a card, Gregory!"

The surface of the sea is a wonderful book to be read with a lightning-quick eye; I do not know anything better to do as a cure for ragged nerves provided you are a good sailor. But the forms are too fleeting, they change too quickly so quickly, indeed, that I have never succeeded in so fixing their record upon my memory as to be able to develop one form from the other in descriptive notes.

Allendyce stopped short, for his usual measured words seemed out of place at this moment. "I am Cornelius Allendyce," he finished humbly and guiltily. "I came back to explain." James Forsyth made a lightning-quick movement as though he would spring at the little lawyer's throat. Mr. Tony held him back. "Jimmie wait. Let him talk." "It was Miss Robin's wish to slip away without telling you.

She stepped clear by the table, stood at attention a second, and, with a peculiar outward whirl, lightning-quick, of her two wrists, had him covered with the big blue guns. He nodded. "Good as I learned ye," he whispered, "make it better." "I will," promised Tharon swiftly. The man closed his eyes, swayed, recovered as Conford caught him, and brightened again. "Now th' under-sling."