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First, that you will discontinue your story as soon as you feel the least weakness, and, second, that you will not gloss anything over. I wish a life-picture of a soldier's experience. You and Mr. Strahan have been inclined to give me the brighter side of campaigning. Now, tell us just what you and Mr. Strahan did.

Said a writer of our acquaintance, no matter who, since no one read or thought of him: "The writer of these idle lines finds no difficulty in painting for himself a Titian picture, in which, as in his life-picture, his own figure lies on the canvas.

I am minded to give you, after the manner of Cebes, a life-picture of Dependence; with this before your eyes, you may judge for yourself, whether it is the life for you. I would gladly call in the aid of an Apelles or a Parrhasius, an Aetion or a Euphranor, but no such perfect painters are to be found in these days; I must sketch you the picture in outline as best I can.

Such was a life-picture, drawn by a master-hand, of the men and the government with whose operations the leaders of a strong party in the United States endeavored with mad zeal, for three years, to involve their own government; a catastrophe prevented only, so far as human agency was concerned, by the fearless courage and profound wisdom of Washington in maintaining neutrality.

Florinda and Carlton were happy in the anticipation of future joy, foreseeing for themselves a path of roses in the fairy future. "But fortune is fickle, dearest, and even now I tremble." "You are ever suspicious, Carlton." "Not in most matters, but in those relating to thee, Florinda." "Now, I am ever looking on the sunny side of our life-picture."

He was coming slowly, with measured step; naked, except the decent covering of a blanket and a heroic ornament of eagle-plumes, and all alone. The whole tribe had now gathered, and a thousand dusky forms awaited him in the sunset. There was another guttural sound. Another remarkable life-picture came into view.

How more effectively can this be done than by a life-picture of the poor needlewoman's trials and sufferings? And this we shall now proceed to give. It was a cold, dark, drizzly day in the fall of 18 , that a young female entered a well-arranged clothing store in Boston, and passed with hesitating steps up to where a man was standing behind one of the counters.