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Liberta, clad like an Indian of the mountains, prepared to accompany his mistress. "Liberta," said the young girl to him, "remember to be blind and dumb." Once in the saddle, Sarah left the city as usual, and began to ride through the country; she directed her way toward Callao.

The Senate of Venice caused to be burnt the Della Liberta Veneta, by a man who called himself Squitinio , because it denied the independence of the Republic, and asserted that the Emperor had rightful claims over it; and about the same time the Parlement of Paris consigned to the same penalty D'Aubigné's Histoire Universelle for the freedom of its satire on Charles IX., Henri III., Henri IV., and other French royal personages of the time.

The negro Liberta had watched the steps of the old Indian; he had seen nothing. Ah! if the poor child could have followed the impulses of her heart, she would have immured herself in one of those tranquil beaterios, to die there amid tears and prayer.

More than one of the barracks within the city were assaulted simultaneously, and for a short time companies of men paraded the streets, shouting their cries of "Viva Garibaldi, Viva la liberta!" A few cried "Viva Vittorio!" and "Viva l'Italia!"

Meanwhile, the gate-keepers declared that they had seen no person leave Lima; the young girl must therefore be concealed in the city. Liberta, who returned to his master, was often interrogated; but no person seemed more astonished than himself at the elopement of Sarah.

But now the slender piping of the Voice of Truth is stifled by the raucous note of eventide vendors of the <i>Capitale</i>, the <i>Liberta</i> and the <i>Fanfulla</i>; and Rome reading unexpurgated news is another Rome indeed. For every subscriber to the <i>Liberta</i> there may well be an antique masker and reveller less.

One evening, while the darkness was gathering beneath the opaque foliage, Martin Paz, Liberta and Don Vegal were compelled by fatigue to stop. Had the captors ascended the banks? had they descended the course of the river? had they crossed it in a direct line? Such were the questions with which Martin Paz puzzled himself.

Courage returned to the Spaniard, strength returned to Liberta, when a half-extinct fire and prints of footsteps proved the proximity of their enemies. Martin Paz noted all and studied all, the breaking of the little branches, the nature of the vestiges.

In Spain, Nuestra Señora de la Merced is the patroness of the Order of Mercy; and in this character she often holds in her hand small tablets bearing the badge of the Order. S.M. "della Liberta," or "Liberatrice," Our Lady of Liberty; and S.M. "della Catena," Our Lady of Fetters. In this character she is invoked by prisoners and captives.

At the death of the king the revolutionists were struck with consternation. “Victor Emmanuel is no more!” said the Liberta, “and Italy is like a warrior without his sword.” They all felt as if the edifice which they had raised were falling to pieces. They took no blame to themselves, however.