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They ran about a long waggon in which were on the first seat, the Honorable and Bonhomme; on the second a constable and prisoner handcuffed. Spoon, who cowered like a captured wild beast ready to whine with fright, was clapped into a private room and a stray Bleu flew off for Libergent to act as advocate.

Lately, however, Picault's corruptionists, whom we thought crushed, have made another assault for the moneys, bullied, lied, and bribed, weighed their silver to the Iscariots, and edged Genest out of his seat." "Who is their man here?" "Libergent, lawyer.

The people's meeting to take place to-morrow, is to be addressed for Libergent by Grandmoulin himself, and Picault will be in the county with them till the election. So you see our task is not less than to defeat the whole strength of the Cave. As we fight with men of stature, there is need of valor and address." "We'll have to pull the devil by the tail!" cried one.

It was not seldom that in the Ontarian's walks during those few days, the steady, inscrutable bust of Grandmoulin passed him, driven in one direction or another by Libergent; and sometimes Picault accompanied. Grandmoulin, indeed, made herculean efforts.

But this was quickly resolved by witnesses who swore that Cuiller was entrusted with secret political business which necessitated absences and journeys in different parts of the country, and this, in the state of political affairs, was an obvious enough excuse. Libergent pressed once again for the discharge. "I must grant it," simply pronounced Mr. Genest. Another scream pierced their ears.

"Come along, come along; we don't hear excuses in the country. Come, Chrysler, the road is long." In order not to offend, Chrysler, in spite of his objection to the company, took the unoccupied place behind Grandmoulin. With Libergent, Chrysler did not reap much in conversation. He was conciliatory in his solitary-like way, and had indulged for once in too much liquor.

I am ready to charge the prisoner with having committed a larceny of money from François Le Brun on his journey from Montreal. I sustain it by these initials at the corners of bills just found on the prisoner's person. I am informed " "I object, your Honor," fairly shouted Libergent "I object to any hearsay." "What can you swear to of your own knowledge?" asked l'Honorable of Chrysler, gently.

During the addresses, Libergent, Chamilly's nominal opponent, seemed to do nothing more than stand behind the rostrum and let things proceed. Libergent, lawyer, was a man of a shrewd low order of ability.

Unless I was ever mistaken, he and Benoit are goods and effects of Libergent, and we must save Miséricorde without letting those know, of perish. Let one go over; you cannot, and I cannot, nor any of the prominent, but let us send our François here, let him discover how it stands, and be back within two hours, so that we can work there, if needful, the rest of the night.

The evidence was as soon disposed of as Libergent could have wished. Josephte gave her testimony to the appearance and surroundings of the injured man as she had found him. She could relate no circumstances that pointed to Spoon. The Bonhomme eagerly proffered his evidence. It was torn to tatters by the advocate: he had nothing to tell but rambling suspicions, and was told to stand down.