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He never could retain an enmity very long, however, and so at the end of the banquet he parodied one of his own arias, the famous "Non piu andrai," by giving it a comical turn to suit Leporello's situation.

All these make a fairly good bead-roll of love-affairs for a busy, ugly, and half-savage man. It is not so long as Leporello's list of Don Juan's conquests, "but, marry, t'will do, t'will serve." And more are to come.

Once more Ovid's verses on his catholic affection for all ladies, the brown and the blonde, the short and the tall, may have suggested Cowley's humorous confession, "The Chronicle": "Margarita first possessed, If I remember well, my breast, Margarita, first of all;" and then follows a list as long as Leporello's.

Not Giovanni but Zerlina was the principal figure; the climax of the drama was not the final Statue scene, but "Batti, batti"; Leporello's part was exaggerated until the Statue scene became a pantomime affair with Leporello playing pantaloon against Giovanni's clown.

Do you remember Leporello's springs in thirds? That seems to me somewhat unfitted to the theme; but the theme why did he write that in A flat? The variations, the finale, the adagio, these are indeed something; genius burns through every measure.

"After strenuous exertions upon my part to recall to Leporello's mind the important question whether he had ever seen the true Duval, passing under the name of Marigny whether she had not presented herself to his master at Vienna or elsewhere he rubbed his forehead, and drew from it these reminiscences.

That is the whole of Mozart's finale, popping champagne corks, ringing glasses, Leporello's voice between, the grasping, torturing demons, the fleeing Don Juan and then the end, that beautifully soothes and closes all. Florestan concluded by saying that he had never experienced feelings similar to those awakened by the finale.

"After strenuous exertions upon my part to recall to Leporello's mind the important question whether he had ever seen the true Duval, passing under the name of Marigny whether she had not presented herself to his master at Vienna or elsewhere he rubbed his forehead, and drew from it these reminiscences.