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The first person I met on board was the beautiful Greek woman I had left in Ancona, seven months before, when I went away from the lazzaretto. She was seated near the old captain, of whom I enquired, without appearing to notice his handsome slave, whether he had any fine goods to sell.

And in 1488, after his own recovery from illness, and that terrible visitation of the plague which had carried off fifty thousand inhabitants of Milan in six months, Lodovico founded the vast Lazzaretto, which still deserves its proud title, and may well be called a "glorious refuge for Christ's poor."

We landed at the old lazzaretto, where we received the pleasant information that we would go through a quarantine of twenty-eight days, because Venice had admitted, after a quarantine of three months, the crew of two ships from Messina, where the plague had recently been raging. I requested a room for myself and for Brother Stephano, who thanked me very heartily.

Twelve months without a ship, and this hateful, God-forsaken island turning into a pest-house. 'Wasa is pesta-house, Tom? 'Place where they put people in to die lazzaretto, charnel-house, morgue, living grave! Oh, go away, girl, go to the blarsted church if you want to, and leave me alone. Her slender fingers touched his hand timidly. 'I don' wan' go to church, Tom.

They saw the stately arcades of the Spedale Grande, and the deep-red brick and terra-cotta pile of the vast Lazzaretto, and the wide streets and piazzas which the duke had laid out "to give the people more light and air." Above all, they saw the great Castello which was the pride of Lodovico's court.

The young lady was ugly; my journey was a rather tedious one. My Short But Rather Too Gay Visit To Ancona Cecilia, Marina, Bellino the Greek Slave of the Lazzaretto Bellino Discovers Himself I arrived in Ancona on the 25th of February, 1744, and put up at the best inn.

My Misfortunes in Chiozza Father Stephano The Lazzaretto at Ancona The Greek Slave My Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Loretto I Go to Rome on Foot, and From Rome to Naples to Meet the Bishop I Cannot Join Him Good Luck Offers Me the Means of Reaching Martorano, Which Place I Very Quickly Leave to Return to Naples The retinue of the ambassador, which was styled "grand," appeared to me very small.

A few days afterwards, as I was entertaining her on various subjects, she remarked how unfortunate it had been for me to enter the lazzaretto at Ancona without any money. "In spite of my distress," I said, "I fell in love with a young and beautiful Greek slave, who very nearly contrived to make me break through all the sanitary laws." "How so?"

He fell 11 or 12 feet, and in doing so suffered a subluxation of the 4th cervical vertebra. It slowly resumed the normal position by the elasticity of the intervertebral fibrocartilage, and there was complete recovery in ten days. Lazzaretto reports the history of the case of a seaman whose atlas was dislocated by a blow from a falling sail-yard.

At last I rose from the floor and went to bed without uttering one word, and not even caring to replace the plank. In the morning, the governor informed us that we were free. As I left the lazzaretto, with a breaking heart, I caught a glimpse of the Greek slave drowned in tears.