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"I have seen him for years on this road. He may not be here many more days, because they are segregating the lepers. The Government has built a lazaretto for them up that road." We saw a group of little houses a short distance removed from the road. They were fenced in and had an institutional look. "There's hundreds of lepers in Tahiti," remarked McHenry.

To pass away the heavy time of a severe quarantine, the little Algerine colony was in the habit of going to an enclosure near the lazaretto, where a very beautiful gazelle, belonging to M. Dubois Thainville, was confined; she bounded about there in full liberty with a grace which excited our admiration.

If it appeared in the city itself, the sick were despatched with their families to what was called the Old Lazaretto, were there furnished with provisions and medicines, and when they were cured, were detained, together with all those who had had intercourse with them, still forty days longer in the New Lazaretto, situated on another island.

The view was very beautiful; the whole of the Cyclades lay before us: small, mountainous islands, mostly uninhabited and covered over with woods. Probably they were formerly a part of the mainland, and were separated by some violent convulsion of nature. On the fourth day our range was extended, we were allowed to walk as far as the hills surrounding the lazaretto under the care of a guard.

At this point, in my desire to make all fair for you, I will break my rule and adduce Catholic testimony. I have now come far enough to meet you on a common ground of fact; and I tell you that, to a mind not prejudiced by jealousy, all the reforms of the lazaretto, and even those which he most vigorously opposed, are properly the work of Damien.

If a man does not vote for the Bill, he is unclean the plague-spot is upon him push him into the lazaretto of the last century, with Wetherell and Sadler purify the air before you approach him bathe your hands in Chloride of Lime, if you have been contaminated by his touch....

His grand projects then gave way to the consideration of matters of minor import, and he thought about his detention in the Lazaretto of Toulon. He spoke of the Directory, of intrigues, and of what would be said of him. He accounted his enemies those who envied him, and those who could not be reconciled to his glory and the influence of his name.

"'Then, I said, 'if you mean to harm him, I'm afraid I can't bring you to him. "'Him! said the ragged man, disdainfully. 'I don't want to hurt him. I only want to find out where she is. I swear I wouldn't harm either of them. "I accompanied him to the city physician, with whom he had a long talk. That official finally promised to take him to the lazaretto.

"'Where are you taking him, and what is it? I asked the driver. "'To the lazaretto. Smallpox." For a moment, while he was being lifted into the ambulance, the victim's face was visible. A loud cry was heard in the crowd. It came from a ragged, wild-looking man, whose unkempt beard made him look much older than I afterward found him to be.

We received the greatest kindness from all the officers of the quarantine, who came frequently to enquire if they could do anything to promote the comfort of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore. We all quitted the Lazaretto on the 1st of October, grateful to the Almighty for permitting us to pass the ten days we spent there so pleasantly.