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It is a lovely coast, especially under the flying lights and shadows of such a breezy day as we had. The wind fell at sunset; but by the next morning, we had passed the tobacco-fields of Latakiyeh, and were in sight of the southern cape of the Bay of Suediah. The mountains forming this cape culminate in a grand conical peak, about 5,000 feet in height, called Djebel Okrab.

Beyrout was now thirteen hours distant, but by making a forced march we reached it in a day, travelling along the shore, past the towns of Jebeil, the ancient Byblus, and Joonieh. The hills about Jebeil produce the celebrated tobacco known in Egypt as the Jebelee, or "mountain" tobacco, which is even superior to the Latakiyeh. Near Beyrout, the mulberry and olive are in the ascendant.

Change of Plans Routes to Baghdad Asia Minor We sail from Beyrout Yachting on the Syrian Coast Tartus and Latakiyeh The Coasts of Syria The Bay of Suediah The Mouth of the Orontes Landing The Garden of Syria Ride to Antioch The Modern City The Plains of the Orontes Remains of the Greek Empire The Ancient Road The Plain of Keftin Approach to Aleppo.

This region may be called the Wool and Pistachio Coast. Southward, from Latakiyeh to Tartus and the northern limit of Lebanon, extends the Tobacco Coast, whose undulating hills are now clothed with the pale-green leaves of the renowned plant.